IASI Newsletter
No. 13, September 1998
Table of Contents
IASI is a non-profit making organisation whose aim is to stimulate, support and develop activities in the field of international documentation and information for physical education and sport. It brings together a world-wide network of scientists, documentalists, librarians, information experts and managers of sports information and documentation centres.
In order to reflect worldwide developments in sport information the editor of the newsletter welcomes contributions from all countries in all languages.
For contributions to the IASI Newsletter contact:
Nerida Clarke
Director Information Services Australian Sports Commission
PO Box 176 Belconnen
ACT 2616 Australia
Fax: (+61) 262141681
IASI Secretariat
Mr Albert Remans (Secretary)
c/o Clearinghouse for Sport for All
Espace 27 septembre
Boulevard Leopold II no.44
Brussels B-1080 Belgium
Fax: +32 2 413 28 90
On the 9 and 10th of September the IOC held its 3rd International Olympic Forum for Development (IOFD) in Kuala Lumpur where many IOC delegates particularly from Commonwealth countries had assembled to attend the Commonwealth Games. The Forum discussed a range of issues relating to the development of sport in developing countries. It provided an opportunity for needs to be expressed and an opportunity for countries and organisations which have assistance programs to explain these.
IASI was invited to attend the Forum and to participate in discussions from the floor if matters related to the provision of information services. The President of IASI attended the forum.
The IOFD provided an excellent opportunity to promote the work of IASI and IASI brochures were distributed to the delegates who numbered several hundred. It also provided an opportunity for IASI to meet with Olympic Solidarity staff and the staff of governments from a number of developed countries who provide assistance to developing countries.
During the forum the Oceania Regional Sport Information Centre in Fiji was mentioned as an excellent initiative and recognition was given to the importance of information in the development of sport.
In the resolution tabled at the conclusion of the meeting it was recommended that the IOFD Secretariat develops a database/compendium detailing existing development policies, projects and programmes.
Following this resolution the IASI President discusssed the implementation of this resolution with the IOFD Secretariat suggesting that IASI could play a role in the development of this data base particularly as an Internet resource. Further discussions will be held on this matter.
The next IOFD is likely to be held in conjunction with the 1999 Panamerican Games.
Francoise Zweifel Secretary General of the IOC has been appointed as Director of the Olympic Museum replacing Mr Benoit de Chassey
Congratulations to Li Tak Nang of the Hong Kong Sports Information Centre of the Hong Kong Sports Development Board and his wife Joanna on the birth of their first son named Jerry.
ENSSHE is a non-profit making association founded in 1991. ENSSHE has over 220 members which are institutes of Sports Sciences and sport organisations responsible for educational programmes and/or research in sport located throughout the European Union.
IASI members from Europe are aiming to work closely with ENSSHE to ensure that the institutes and organisations who are members of ENSSHE have an understanding of the role sport information can play in sport education.
ENSSHE has recently launched an Internet site which explains the organisation's structure and activities.
The address is: A link will be made between ENSSHE and the IASI Internet site.
IASI welcomes a new member from Macau, the Instituto Politecnico de Macau Biblioteca (Mr Alvaro Augusto da Rosa).
IASI now has a total of 179 members (132 Institutional, 38 Personal, 9 Honorary) in 71 countries (6 in Africa, 15 in Asia, 28 in Europe, 17 in Latin America, 2 in North America and 3 in Oceania).
Anne-Mette Vibe IASI member from Norway reports that most of the material from the Lillehammer Olympics is collected in Lillehammer, the web-address being: Unfortunately most of the information is in Norwegian, listed here are some of the main contents in case anybody wants to contact the centre:
- Archive of subjects from LOOC (Lillehammer Olympics Organization Commitee)
- Official report of the XVII Olympic Winter Games
- General literature about Olympics, both internationally and nationally
- Sound and Videorecording from the Lillehammer Olympics events
- Articles from the press about the Lillehammer Olympics 1983-97
- Project Afteruse
- The County of Lillehammer Executive Commitee - executive work about the Lillehammer Olympics 1983-94
- Article about Sport Pictogrammes OL -94
You will find the address, phone and fax-number on this homepage. Feel free to contact the centre! It is also open for visitors.
Mr Abdel Malik Elismail IASI member from Saudi Arabia has advised of a number of initiatives in his centre in relation to information managemenmt. These initiatives include:
- The establishment of a library management system which was developed inhouse and which is now used for the management of library resources and photographic and video resources.
- The development of an Optical Document Storage and Retrieval system which has resulted in an image pool of over 200,000 images and replaces microfilm technology.
- The operation of a computerised news system whereby the SASIC local area network receives news broadcasts from various news agencies through telexes. These telexes are converted using specially designed software to be stored on a file server and made available to work stations on the network.
- A system to electronically store newspaper clippings using the Optical Storage and Retrieval system. These articles are clipped, indexed and scanned using the optical storage system and are then retrievable through a number of search parameters. Presently more than 20,000 newspaper clippings are stored in this way.
For anyone interested in receiving more detail on these developments contact:
Mr Abdel Malik Elismail
Saudi Arabia Sport Information Centre
General Presidency for Youth Welfare
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
PO Box 99768
Riydah 11625
Saudi Arabia
Fax: +9664022979
Beatriz Barbera IASI member from Argentina has reported on the National NET of Sport Communication and Information which conducted the First Course of National Sport Information on 28 August 1998.
The course was held under the authority of:
- National Sport Secretary Arq. Hugo Porta
- National Sport Sub Secretary Dr. Juan Jose Gilli
- National Director of Sport Development Prof. Luis Erdociain
Those presenting at the course were:
- Prof. Beatriz Barbera CAID coordinator
- Ing. Pablo Skardzius Computer Specialist SDN
- Prof. Patricia Arjona Villen Malaga Spain Technology coordinator of Sportcom Systems
- The participants were chosen by the Director of the each provincial entity:
- Chaco, Catamarca, Jujuy, Mendoza, Misiones, San Juan, La Pampa, Corrientes, Entre Rios, La Rioja, Tierra del Fuego, Tucuman, Santa Cruz, Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Santa Fe, Neuquen, Santiago del Estero, Capital Federal.
The objectives of the course were to:
- create the National NET of Sport Communication and Information.
- obtain more fluent communication between the National Sport Secretary and the Provincial Entities.
- generate sport Information together.
- co-ordinate efforts and make economical use of resources.
- realise technological possibilities of communication between the different provinces.
The subjects of the course were:
- Concepts of sport information
- Actual tendencies of information and communication
- Information searching
- Electronic mail as the media
- Technology of the Project.
- To know the why of the sport information To make contact with people working in sport information
- To obtain more information about sport.
- The provincial law.
- Programmes in place for provincial sports. Provincial calendar of competitions carried out by Provincial Federations or by the Provincial Sport Direction.
- Limited information about provincial federations.
- Bibliographic references.
- Information on courses connected with sport activities or auxiliary sciences held within and outside the country
- Contributions of the Sport Secretary to the Provinces in regard to facilitating, programmes, contacts, competitions, and possibilities
- Knowledge of the relation that exists and the contributions among the National Sport Secretary and the National Sport Federations or Confederations.
- Grey literature (sport direction, sport legislation, records, and standards.
- Stronger coordination of the NET
- Information about the issues which will affect the operation of the NET at the provincial level.
- Examination of the possibility of specific courses to address issues generated during the operation of the NET
- Examination of the possibility of a course of sport documentation for the entities which want to create sport documentation centres (libraries with subjects about sport)
- Coordination of another meeting from the National Sport Secretary for the next year when an evaluation will be made.
- Provision of equipment for five provinces so that they can participate in the NET in an active way.
- That the NET just created should act as an efficient means of communication among the members
- That those who have email will be able to communicate in the near future with those who have just received a modem fax.
- To establish a NET of communication among the provinces and the National Sport Secretary, and among the provinces.
- To generate simple information, to make concrete actions and to be useful for everybody.
The 5th Congress of the Permanent Commission of the Institutes of Formation in Physical Education held in La Roja Argentina in September had a session on sport information services which was attended by:
Beatriz Barbera (C.A.I.D., Buenos Aires; de Mendoza),Paula Ceriotto (IEF de Mendoza), Tulio Guterman (MCyE; IEF Dickens, Buenos Aires), Pilar Irureta-Goyena Sanchez (INEF de Madrid), Nicol E1s Valenzuela (IEF Dickens, Buenos Aires)
The Final Document of the Congress contained positive statements regarding the future of sport information and a number of concrete proposals for the development of sport information services including further cooperation with Sportcom and the development of systems to contribute to the Atlantes and Sport data bases.
For further information contact:
Beatriz Barbera
Presidencia de la Nacion- Secretaria de Deportes
Direccion Nacional de Desarrollo Deportivo
Crisologo Larralde 1050
Buenos Aires
Argentina CP 1429
Fax: +54 1 704 1660
The following update has been extracted from the Nasline Newsletter which is compiled by the IASI Vice for North America President. Gretchen Ghent.
In the past few months there have been many staffing changes at SIRC. Gilles Chiasson, whose vision and dedication brought the organization from itsinfancy in the 1970's to the sport information powerhouse it is today, has stepped down as President and is now the Chief Information Officer. His most challenging task at present is the implementation of a new inhouse computer system. SIRC will be migrating from Minisis and implementing a more powerful, inhouse, computer system called Cuadra STAR. It is expected that the file conversion will be complete by the end of September or early October.
Debra Gassewitz, who was brought on board last year as Vice-President has been appointed President of SIRC. In addition, Jean-Michel Johnson has been named Director of Reference and Indexing, upon the resignation of Marion Fournier who contributed 15 devoted years at SIRC.
The implementation of Cuadra STAR will give SIRC the capacity to fulfil their goals of furnishing users with many enhanced services reflective of state-of-the-art computer-based era. Cuadra Associates in Los Angeles markets STAR for institutions requiring multi-user, multi-purpose software to manage information collections of all types. Cuadra Associates already provides services to specialized libraries, museums and archives including LC's Congressional Research Service, National Archives and Records Administration and ERIC (for further information see their website:
Included in the SIRC package slated for implementation or enhancement in October is:
- SPORT Detective
- SIRC will be making SPORTDiscus available for use by subscribers via the internet. For a long time there have been individuals and small organizations who do not have convenient access to the database as does the university/college or large organizational subscribers. Through a monthly subscription fee these monthly subscribers can search the database to their hearts content. Monthly renewal can be made any number of times. Payment can be made through checks or credit card. When the searcher goes to SIRC's SPORTquest website and clicks on Sport Detective, the researcher is taken to the OVID system, where the database can be utilized on the OVID web-based server.
- SPORT Update
- In the past an individual researcher could lodge custom-made search profile with a vendor (e.g.BRS, a now defunct vendor) in order to have delivery of those citations which meet the search profile specifications. With the SPORT Update service, patrons can establish a search profile which reflects the individual research subject, adjust it once, and have the monthly citations delivered via paper or email for an annual charge.
- Fulltext Journals
If you have surfed the SIRC website recently ( you will note that a new journal has been announced; Journal of Excellence (2 issues per year), edited by Terry Orlick. Do note the cost of the subscription both in fulltext and paper format ($34.95US and $50US respectively). In fact, the database indexers have now begun to index other online, fulltext journal articles and it is expected that in the Oct. 98 database update, you will see the articles which are published in the Journal of Excellence in the SPORTDiscus database.
Jean Michel Johnson reports that they have also just indexed, Lecturas: educacion fisica y deportes, revista digital, which is archived on the SPORTQuest site. There are two new fields added to the document record to accommodate indexing of articles housed on websites:
- URLADD - the exact website URL address is shown in thisfield (field tag number U560) and
- AUEMAL - this field contains the email address of the author of the article (field tag number U550)
As October is Women's studies month, Jean Michel's indexers have also indexed the Canadian Association for Women in Sport and Physical Education's newsletter called Action. For instance an article entitled: "What one sport is doing for women" in the Winter 1998 issue, the URLADD is
The number 481435 is also the Accession Number. This is a really exciting enhancement to the database.
The Amateur Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles (the host of the 1999 IASI meeting) is continuing on its way to provide sport researchers with a plethora of services and since our last newsletter issue, the Library's catalogue is available for searching on their website:(
The search engine allows author/title/subject searching. Do note, however, when using LC subject headings to put two dashes between the subject words (e.g. baseball -- history).
Other exciting news from Wayne Wilson is that the International Olympic Committee has given AAFLA permission to convert 100 years (1894-1994) of the Olympic Review to digital format for publication on the AAFLA website. Both the French and English editions will be scanned and made available in PDF format.
As mentioned earlier, the 1932 and 1984 Olympic Games Official Reports are available at the AAFLA website, but now 1896 is available as is St. Moritz 1928 and Lake Placid 1932. The Official Report for Paris 1924 should be available by the end of October.
Wayne Wilson advises that the invitations to the IASI meeting to be held in March will be issued before the end of 1998.
The National Sport Information Centre in Australia recently held an Olympic Information Seminar which attracted 80 participants from a range of organisations including the organising committee for the Sydney Olympics, historical libraries, the media, government departments and academic institutions.
Proceedings from the seminar will be available on the Internet at however printed copies can be purchased at a cost of A$30.00 with payment made in Australian dollars to the Australian Sports Commission. Credit card payments may be made.
For more information contact:
Jill Haynes
Manager National Sport Information Centre
Australian Sports Commission
PO Box 176 Belconnen ACT 2616
Fax +61 2 62141681
American Statistical Association. Section on Statistics in Sports Web:
This website maintained by the Duke University, Inst. of Statistics and Decision Sciences comprises a number of parts including a list of publications by this ASA section. They also maintain a well-organized list of sports statistics sources, either at the site or within "clickable" distance. The largest listing is for baseball (of course) and other major sports but it is good to see some others; cycling, fencing, volleyball, weightlifting. The third major part is a sample listing of citations to sport statistics articles and lastly, another great section listing newspaper ports pages, league sites, and other sports servers.
The Australian Sports Commission has recently launched a section of its web site which outlines a range of sports participation programs. The programs include those for Women in Sport, Indigenous Australians, Disabled, Mature Aged.
The address is:
Another enhancement to the Australian Sports Commission site has come with the creation of a section of the site on Sports Facilities. This site is in the developmental stage but it is hoped that it will be enhanced in the near future with more full text documents and a searchable data base of national and international standard facilities in Australia.
The address for this site is:
Advertisements can be placed in the IASI Newsletter at a cost of:
US$50.00 for a full A4 page or
US$25.00 for half an A4 page.
Contact the Editor of the Newsletter if you wish to place an advertisement.