About IASI
Current Ad Hoc Working Groups, 2005-2006
AhWG Marketing Strategies
Debra Gassewitz (Chair),Alain Poncet, and all the regional vice-presidents: Ms Esperanza Bobes, Ms Gretchen Ghent, Ms Zhao Li, Mr Clement Fasan, Mr Gavin Reynolds, Mr Andrei Teodorescu.
AhWG COMPASS (created 2003)
Bruno Rossi-Mori (Chair)
AhWG on Events/Results Databases
Hartmut Sandner (Chair), Gavin Reynolds
Standing Committees, 2005-2009
IASI Website, Archives and Information Committee (IWAIC)
Ms Gretchen Ghent (Chair), Ms Maria Lluisa Berasategui, Ms Ayala Maharik, Mr Laercio Elias Pereira, SIRC Rep: Debra Gassewitz.
International Contributors Committee to SPORTDiscus (ICCSD)
Ms Debra Gassewitz (Chair) Ms Maria Lluisa Berasategui, Ms Gretchen Ghent, Ms Hege Underthun, Mr Jean-Paul Niquet, Ms Amalia Rocha, Mr Laercio Pereira, Mr Greg Blood, Mrs Ayala Maharik. is the SIRC liaison person who will receive new indexing records and answer queries.