About IASI
Current IASI Organization
The International Association for Sports Information (IASI) is a unique international association that brings together a worldwide network of information experts, librarians, sport scientists and managers of sport libraries, information and documentation centres. Founded in September 1960 in Rome, the primary purpose of the International Association for Sports Information (IASI) is to stimulate and support activities in the field of international documentation, and promote the dissemination of information to physical educators, sport scientists, documentalists and sport researchers.
IASI's Mission
"To Develop and Promote the Value of Sports Information."
IASI Goals & Objectives
- To coordinate and exchange information and experiences between individual and institutional members
- To assist and give advice on the planning, operation and development of information to new and developing sport information centres
- To disseminate the results of the Association's work
- To develop and participate in an international database for sport and physical education
- To organize a World Congress every four years
Recent Activities
- Organized, with the Beijing Sports University and China Sports Information Center, a World Congress in Beijing, May 19-21, 2005
- Produces a triennial IASI newsletter and other publications
- Encourages the development of databases including SPORTDiscus, Héracles
- Maintains a listserv called IASI-L (see the IASI Listserv section for details)
- Maintains a World Directory of Sport Information Centres and Experts