2. Aims/Tasks
2.1 Aims
The Association has set itself the following aims:
a. to encourage and support the documentation and information activity for physical education, physical activity and sport in all countries;
b. to coordinate the efforts in this area following international standards whenever it is feasible, to make projects of general interest known, and to assist in their realization in the form of a network;
c. to offer the services of the Association to all members and organs of the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE) as well as to all other organizations working in the area of physical education, physical activity and sport, their members and other interested persons and institutions; electronic data, etc.) among the members of the Association and to hold international courses, scientific seminars and conferences in theoretical and practical areas of documentation and information activity;
d. to organize exchanges of experiences and publications (in whatever form: paper, audio-visual, electronic data etc.) among the members of the Associaiton and to hold international courses, scientific seminars and conferences and practical areas of documentation and information activity
e. to have committees to carry out research work in theoretical and practical areas of documentation and information activity and to support such work in various countries, so that new modern methods of documentation and information activity will be introduced everywhere and improved constantly;
f. to stimulate the cooperation of its members to participate in international databases that it will designate and other possible databases.
2.2 Cooperation
The Association shall maintain close liaison or collaborate with:
a. the organs of the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE);
b. national and international organizations and institutions specialized in the field of documentation/information;
c. national and international organizations and institutions in the field of physical education, physical activity and sport;
d. all other organizations and institutions which could be of assistance in the work of the Association; such as UNESCO, IOC, etc.