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International Association for Sports Information
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No 9, August 1997 Table of Contents IASI is a non-profit making organisation whose aim is to stimulate, support and develop activities in the field of international documentation and information for physical education and sport. It brings together a world-wide network of scientists, documentalists, librarians, information experts and managers of sports information and documentation centres. In order to reflect worldwide developments in sport information the editor of the newsletter welcomes contributions from all countries in all languages.
The Secretary is pleased to report that IASI now has 136 members in 67 countries compared to 124 members in 61 countries in 1996. This growth in membership was stimulated largely by the IASI Congress and proves that there are many individuals and organisations who are keen to be involved in sport information activities. The challenge for IASI is to keep serving its members and to undertake intiatives to further develop sport information resources and services. If you ever wanted to know what the future of sport information will be like then you should have been in Paris from 10-12 June 1997 . Because it was here at the 10th IASI Congress that over 200 people from all parts of the world met to discuss this very topic. The 10th Scientific Congress of IASI was held at the magnificant headquarters of the French Olympic Committee and was organised by Alain Poncet and his professional team from numerous departments of INSEP. During the 3 day Congress 79 full conference papers and poster sessions were presented. It is not possible to summarise all of the papers of the Congress however it would be fair to say that the Congress raised some key issues within each of the Congress themes. Many of these issues focussed on technology and the Internet in particular; on issues related to globalisation and the preservation of information in various languages and from particular geographic areas; on equity of access to information and perhaps the most challenging issue for IASI members was to consider what the future role of the sport information professional might be. Discussion on this issue was stimulated by the inaugural debate where speakers from outside of IASI, some of whom were the affiliates and clients of IASI put forward their views on the future of sport information. Discussion on the topic was also stimulated by the roundtable session where the IASI Vice Presidents gave their view of the future of sport information along with experts from sports journalism and sports technology. In looking at the papers of the Congress I think it is only possible to agree with a statement made by Jose Antonio Aquesolo in his paper on the future role of the sport documentalist which in summary said that sport documentalists will be around for a long time as long as they keep adapting, specialising and enlarging their knowledge in order to fit in with a new era and with new working systems and methods. All in all the Congress was a rewarding and stimulating experience and thanks must once again go to French Ministry of Youth and Sports, Sportdoc, INSEP and in particular the Executive Director Mr Michel Cheveau who gave his support to the Congress and the IASI meetings Thanks must also go to the French Olympic Committee and particularly to Alain Poncet and Miriam Elle who made the congress a wonderful success. To purchase copies of the Proceedings of the 10th IASI Scientific Congress send 350 French Francs (prepayment required) to:
Payment can be made by: The IASI meetings and General Assembly in Paris resulted in IASI s four year Working Program being established which consists of the key objectives for IASI and lays down the specific priorities of tasks to be completed. The four key objectives for IASI for the next 4 years are:
Under these objectives members prioritised the tasks to be completed and these tasks were assigned to specific members or to Ad Hoc Working Groups for completion. In some cases these tasks were allocated a budget. It is expected that in the future reports will be given to the annual meeting on progress with these tasks so that IASI will have a clear idea of what is being achieved in relation to its objectives. A great deal of effort was put into the development of the Working Program prior to the Paris meeting and during the meeting which has resulted in a very clear Working Program. This Working Program will be published as part of the Minutes of the Paris meetings and members should note the tasks they are respoonsible for. The IASI meetings in Paris and the General Assembly was the occasion of the IASI elections. During these elections the IASI President and Vice Presidents and the Executive Committee of 18 members were elected. The election process involved the counting of postal votes, the acceptance of proxy votes and direct secret ballot voting by members present in Paris. The elections were presided over by Gilles Chiasson who was elected Chair of the elections and a team of scrutineers assisted in counting the votes. The thanks of the Association should go to all those who assisted in the elections, to Albert Remans for so ably preparing the election papers and managing the postal voting procedure and to the members of IASI who were present at the elections and who showed so much patience in waiting for the election results. In the future IASI will consider timetabling the conduct of the election so that it does not disrupt the proceedings of the meetings.which invariably run to a tight timeframe. THE ELECTED MEMBERS OF THE IASI EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 1997-2001 are:
August 2 1997 was a significant day for sport in the Oceania Region as it was the day of the official launch of the Oceania Regional Sport Information Centre (OSIC). The Centre to be located within the Library of the University of the South Pacific in Suva Fiji is a partnership between the Oceania National Olympic Committees, the University of the South Pacific and the Australian Sports Commission with additional support for the project being provided by UNESCO. IASI has supported the project as a regional initiative which was developed by the IASI Oceania Vice President over a number of years. ICSSPE has also lent its support to the project with an initial grant to conduct a workshop in Fiji to help set the broad operating framework for the Centre. The Oceania Centre will be proactively disseminating information to the countries of the Region and will ensure that information on sport in the Oceania is documented for inclusion on the SPORT/IASI data base. The Centre will also assist in the development of national sport information centres in the countries of the Region as required. Mr Albert Miller of the University of the South Pacific who has a great deal of experience in sport in the Pacific Region has been appointed to the position of Manger of the Centre and will take up the position in early September. At the opening of the Centre a message was read from the President of the IOC Mr Juan Antonio Samaranch which said: On behalf of the Olympic Movement, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Oceania National Olympic Committees on the occasion of the inauguration of the ONOC Sports Information Centre at the University of the South Pacific in Fiji. This new centre linking the NOCs of the region and opening new channels of exchange between them and the rest of the sports world promises to become a major resource for athletes and scholars alike. The establishment of the centre is a reflection of ONOC s dedication to the dissemination of the Olympic ideal and yet another example of regional efforts to contribute to Olympic education in Oceania. I therefore convey my best wishes to everyone who contributed to the creation of this centre,and to its new staff and users, for continued success in their endeavours to promote Olympic education.` Nerida Clarke addressed the opening ceremony on behalf of the Australian Sports Commission and IASI, Dr Robin Mitchell of ONOC presented an address as did Professor Chandra the Deputy Vi ce Chancellor of the University of the South Pacific. The opening ceremony was held within the USP Library which had a large display of sporting material and during the ceremony athletes who will compete at the South Pacific Min Games lit the Olympic flame as a symbol to open the Centre. The opening ceremony was chaired by Ms Esther Williams the USP Librarian. The staff of USP Library did an excellent job in organising the opening which received considerable print and electronic media coverage with a large supplement in the Fiji newspapers. This project is an excellent example of regional cooperation and could be a model for the development of other regional sport information centres. A detailed paper on the development of the Centre and the operational framework for the Centre was presented by Nerida Clarke to the IASI Congress. The full text of this paper is contained in the Proceedings of the IASI Congress. From all reports the World Police/Fire Games were a great success n Calgary, financially, socially but with the emphasis on fitness, friendly competition and fun. With a cadre of 6,000volunteers the competitions were held in sites all over he city. No admission charges were levied at any of the competition sites. One of the most popular competitions was the PoliceService Dogs, who demonstrated their talents at apprehending criminals . In addition to the more serious sports of volleyball, softball and track and field there were many competitors in the fun games of darts, horseshoes, wrist wrestling and rodeo. The Organizing Committee published a souvenir program and had an official photographer take pictures at all the competition sites. Pictures can be purchased from: The 1999 World Police/Fire Games will be held in Stockholm in Sweden. At the IASI meetings at INSEP in Paris, one of the Working Program priorities was a union list of sports serials. Other online service providers also see a need for this. Recently there has been an addition to OCLC's (Online Computer Library Center in Dublin, Ohio) FirstSearch services where phase one of the OCLC Union Lists of Periodicals database was added in mid July. Subscribers to FirstSearch services can now search this union list of periodicals by name of the journal, location (e.g. Los Angeles or CA meaning all of California)and find the exact holdings (this is called: Local Data Records) for libraries in that city. In this first phase are all the libraries which belong to consortia. Phase two and three will broaden the access points to inlude ISSN, other access points and the other library's Local Data records. Up to this point, a searcher was presented with a list of libraries who reported holding a particular journal, but the detailed holdings were not available to be viewed.
Jodie Davis of the Australian National Sport Information Centre is always on the look out for new and interesting Internet sites and would like to draw members attention to the following sites: Basketball Australia Site Also worthy of note is the Sports Medicine Australia Site. This site will be developed urther with information on the Pre-Olympic Scientific Congress which will be held in Brisbane Australia in the year 2000 and which will be run by Sports Medicine Australia. The Journal of Nutrition Journal of Comparative Physiology European Handball Federation now has a site. The AUS Accessibility Standards for webpages may also be useful to webmasters.These are interesting standards for people to consider when designing WWW sites as they outline what should be taken into account for people with disbilities. Another interesting site for sports librarians is this paper on the Net which reviews (analytically) and details all the current search engines and indexing agents available to-date on the web - giving details of each. The paper prepared by the Lund University in Sweden is entitled - The building and maintenance of robot based internet search services: A review of current indexing and data collection methods. It is available at: Laurie Tempelhoff In recent months the South African Sports Information Centre has identified several key issues for urgent attention. These issues constitute the following:
This Internet site was launched in February 1997 and focuses on a variety of topics including, the infrastructure of sport in South Africa, the national sports federations, a sports directory, an events calendar, facilities profiles, details of coaches, etc.. The address of the site is: It is planned to broaden out and expand on the site with day to day sporting happenings in South Africa and to appoint a full time official to oversee this particular needs on the site. Further two special databases are to be created, one on talent identification and the other on high performance. This workshop which was scheduled for October 1996 has been postponed to April 1998. The reason for this postponement has been the restructuring of the sports set up in South Africa and the fact that the Sports Information Centre now falls directly under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Sport. This naturally affects the projects that the former S.A. Sports Information and Documentation Centre had planned but which now need sanctioning and approval once again. In this regard the matter was raised in February 1997 and the organiser of the proposed workshop was requested to present his plan of action together with a budget, to the Ministryof Sport. A major consideration is still the matter of the Ministry providing adequate funds to sponsor the visitors in total. Although finality has not been reached on the funding, it is anticipated that a limited amount at least, will be approved. Details about the workshop includes:
During the past months several requests for access to the centre s SPER bibliographic database (containing 80 % documents of South African origin) have been received from Australia and Canada. In order to accede to this request, several options have been considered. One is to place these documents on a CD Rom which could then be sold. However, no local company is prepared to provide this facility unless the database comprises at least 40 000 documents. At a recent board meeting of the Sport SA Information Centre, it was resolved that the SPER bibliographic database be attached to the already existing S.A. Sport database site on the Internet. A major obstacle at present, is to transfer the SPER database documents from the antiquated Unix system to a more modernsystem and this might take some time. The following guidelines apply for people wishing to make an application for funds for specific projects from IASI. General Principles:
Process to be followed:
The Library of the Stockholm University College of Physical Education and Sports dates from the days of PH Ling the father of Swedish gymnastics who started the training of Swedish physical education teachers in 1813 at the Royal Central Institute of Gymnastics(GCI). The collection of the Library reflects the history of gymnastics and sports in Sweden. The name of the Institute was changed in 1992 to Indrottshogskolan I Stockholm (Stockholm University College of Physical Education and Sports). Today the Library holds about 40,000 volumes and subscribes to around 200 periodicals. Holdings are registered on a local data base and on the Swedish national data base LIBRIS. In collaboration with the Swedish Sports Federation a national sports data base is being built in which all articles in Swedish sports journals are being indexed as well as research projects and papers concerning sport in a broad sense from other universities and university colleges in Sweden. The data base can be searched via the WWW on the Internet at www.svenskidrott.se The main task of the Library is to serve students, teachers and researchers. As a special library the Library can also provide services to other libraries in Sweden and abroad. The staff of the Library consists of 2 librarians and 2 assistant librarians. Internationally the Library cooperates with IASI and the Nordic organisation NORSIB. The addresss of the Library is: Indrottshogskolan I Stockholm The 6th North American Sports Library and Information Network Conference will be held from October 24-25, 1997 in Los Angeles, California hosted by the Amateur Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles The conference Banquet Speaker is David Wallechinsky, noted Olympic author (his latest work is The Complete Book of the Summer Olympics, 1996 ed.) and the Keynote speaker is Dr. Robert Edelman, noted sports researcher who will give a paper entitled, Eleven from the Polish Judge: Researching Soviet Sport in Russia and the USA. A number of other outstanding sessions are included in a very full program. If you have questions regarding the NASLIN conference contact: Wayne Wilson, AAFLA At times free text database searching is not a wise way to find specific information especially when the terms searched are very common words (e.g. soccer, football). However, this type of searching is recommended when one is looking for a specific name of a test for often the abstract will have test names mentioned in full or abbreviated form (e.g.profile-of-mood-state is a descriptor, but one can find many more records which have this term in the Abstract field). Free text searching may also be a good way to find names of individuals or other specific terms. In over 900 monographic records the Abstract field will yield the contents of a book. In some cases there are too] many names to add to the descriptor field, but these are listed in the Abstract field, usually in the full name form. Thus if one searches for a person in the Descriptor field, e.g. king-b, the searcher should also search for: billie jean king as a free text term. Tables of Contents are included for monographic records when the chapter titles are descriptive, thus giving the searcher more flexibility in finding specific information. A number of books on sports law have been handled in this way as are some sport histories and other current monographic titles. The SPORTDiscus policy is to include full abstracts for most advanced level materials (only a few publishers will not allow this) but the Table of Contents is a time saving, alternate way of adding value and accessibility to other records. To view records with Tables of Contents, search under: contents in ab and then: monograph in dt or look at the following excellent examples: AN403060, AN Two leaflets which may be of interest to IASI members are the Directory of participants in the Cuban Sport Information National Network Email addresses and the Directory of Email Addresses of IASI Latin American Country Members. These leaflets are available from: CINIID-INDER The Secretary of IASI has advised that the dates for the 1998 IASI Meeting will be from 31 March to 5 April 1998 at the Hong Kong Sports Institute as proposed at the 1997 IASI meeting in Paris. Details of the meeting will be forwarded to all members by the Secretary. Advertisements can be placed in the IASI Newsletter at a cost of: Contact the Editor of the Newsletter if you wish to place an advertisement. |
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