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International Association for Sports Information
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No 8, March 1997 Table of Contents IASI is a non-profit making organisation whose aim is to stimulate, support and develop activities in the field of international documentation and information for physical education and sport. It brings together a world-wide network of scientists, documentalists, librarians, information experts and managers of sports information and documentation centres. In order to reflect worldwide developments in sport information the editor of the newsletter welcomes contributions from all countries in all languages.
The conference organisers Alain Poncet and his team from INSEP in Paris have reported that everything is on track for the best ever IASI Congress to be held in Paris from 7-13 June 1997. The 10th Scientific Congress will take place from 10-12 June 1997 at "La Maison du Sport Francais" head office of the French National Olympic Committee, 1 rue Piere de Coubertin - 75013 Paris and will be preceded by the annual IASI meetings and consultative forum from 7-9 June and will be followed on 13 June by the IASI General Assembly. To date over 100 abstracts from all parts of the world have been submitted covering the 5 major themes of the Congress. The Congress organisers have advised that those intending to attend the conference should make their accommodation bookings as soon as possible. For information regarding the Congress please contact:
SPECIAL CONGRESS WORKSHOP ON SPORT DISCUS A workshop on searching techniques for the SPORTDiscus database will be given by Jean-Michel Johnson of the Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC) during the IASI upcoming 10th Scientific Congress. In Paris. The workshop will be held on June 9th, 1997 from 13:00 to 17:00. The fee for the workshop is 200 FF. To register, please contact:
The Paris Congress will be the time of the IASI 4 year General Assembly and it is at that time that members will elect the IASI President, Regional Vice Presidents and Executive Committee members. It should be noted that only financial institutional and personal members of IASI are eligible to vote therefore membership payments must be made immediately. It should be noted that members may vote in three ways:
The Secretary General has recently distributed a circular regarding voting procedures. If you have not received this information or have not paid membership fees please contact:
Richard Stark Vice President of SIRC resigned from his position in February 1997 after 16 years to pursue a new career in the information technology industry. Richard will be remembered for his work on the Sport Database which for many members is a key operational tool. We wish him well in his new career path. Marion Fournier is now Head of Indexing and Christine Lalande is Head of Client Services. For any marketing issues, please contact Linda Wheeler, Marketing Coordinator. SIRC is currently advertising for a Vice President of Marketing and Strategic Planning. Craig Boaden has been appointed as the new manager of Research and Information at the Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games (SOCOG) replacing Melissa Kimmerly who is undertaking project work for SOCOG. Craig has a background in education, in information consultancy and spent several years with the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) where he worked in information management, administration, and foreign aid project work. Craig's interest in information management stems from his belief that wide access to information is an important foundation for the sustainable maintenance of truly egalitarian and democratic societies. His belief in the power of the Olympic movement as a force for global reconciliation and his love for his native city of Sydney led him to SOCOG, where he hopes to be able to contribute to the success of the "Athletes' Games" in Sydney in 2000. EVENTS CALENDARS There are now 2 international events calendars on the Internet. One is an online version of Sportcal International which some IASI members have previously subscribed to on disc and the other is called Sport97 and is run by a UK company entitled the Press Connection. Both services operate with limited free information and more detailed information being provided to subscribers. The addresses are as follows: SPORTCAL INTERNATIONAL www.sportcal.co.uk NEW ZEALAND INTERNET SITES LAUNCHED 2 new and interesting Internet sites have just been launched in New Zealand these are: NEW ZEALAND HILLARY COMMISSION SITE This site contains information about the Commission and its programmes - such as "Green Prescriptions" - there are sports facts culled from a variety of surveys including the initial results from a new sports participation survey and much, much more... "Running Sport", the new set of booklets for volunteers in sports clubs and regional associations can be downloaded using Adobe Acrobat. A kid's page for 8-12 year olds includes school projects and a "hyperzine". Find this site at: www.hillarysport.org.nz NEW ZEALAND SPORTS FOUNDATION The NZ Sports Foundation launched a site Sports Link Information Exchange late last year. This is a forum for sports people (particularly coaches) and sport professionals to exchange information, news and ideas. It includes information about the Foundation, and presents Sports Talk -discussion forums on sports science, drugs in sport, sports medicine, and coaching. Find Sports Link at: http://www.sportlink.org.nz WOMENS SPORTS FOUNDATION SITE Web address is www.lifetimetv.com/WoSport SPORTSCI SITE This site comes from University of Otago in New Zealand and is sponsored by The Royal Society of New Zealand. Will Hopkins the moderator, has proposed a new e-journal called: Sportscience: an interdisciplinary journal of research and human performance. He hopes to get the first issue off the ground in 1997. There are many other things on the site of interest to sport scientists. The address is www.sportsci.org NATIONAL BASEBALL HALL OF FAME Another excellent site in North America is The National Baseball Hall of Fame. IASI members might like to look at this site as an example of a well done site. The address is: www.enews.com/bas_hall_fame SPORTING NEWS SITE The USA Sporting News site is another well done site done by James Meier. Address is www.sportingnews.com BRAZILIAN LISTSERV SITES The following Brazilian listservs on Sport, Physical Education and Leisure may be of interest to IASI members: a) CEVHIST-L - list of History of Sport and Physical Education. Send a message:subscribe cevhist-l your name address: b) EFESPORT-L - general list of Physical Education and Sport Send a message: subscribe efesport-l your name address: c) CEVLAZER-L - list of leisure send a message: subscribe cevlazer-l your name address: 100 YEARS OF THE IOC If you are interested in finding out information on the Olympics the following book published by the IOC in 1996 will be of great assistance. Fabulous 100 years of the IOC Facts - Figures - and much, much more by Wolf Lyberg. Lausanne, International Olympic Committee, 1996 (411 p.) Published in English and French. ISBN 929 1490 202. This book has information on IOC Members, Olympic Realia (IOC name, Olympic Cup, Olympic Flag, Oaths, Anthems, Insignia, Flame etc), Bidding, Television Rights, Doping, Participation at Summer and Winter Olympics. This book will help answer many questions relating to the Olympics. If you are interested in this book please contact:
AUSTRALIAN SPORTS DIRECTORY The Australian Sports Commission has published its annual Sports Directory which lists all Australian sporting organisations with their contacts. This year the Directory includes an expanded list of all events to take place in Australia in 1997. Available from:
NZ HILLARY COMMISSION BOOKLETS The Hillary Commission has just produced a set of booklets to assist volunteers in sports clubs and regional associations. There are nine titles: Recruiting and Retaining Volunteers, Club Secretary, Managing Meetings, Marketing and Media, Funding and Sponsorship, Club Planning, Managing Money, Event Management, and The Sports Team Manager. Download these resources from the Hillary Commission web site: www.hillarysport.org.nz For more information on these contact:
This recent posting to the SPORTHIST Listserv (Sport History Scholars List) on the Internet might be of interest to IASI members. This posting reported that on January 9th 1997 that Anke Brunn, Minister for research and higher education in the German state of Northrhine-Westfalia, ceremoniously opened the new building of the German Central Library of Sport, Zentralbibliothek der Sportwissenschaften. Located in a wooded suburb of Cologne and placed in the centre of the Higher Institute of Sport (Deutsche Sporthochschule) campus, the project was completed in less than two years. The total costs remained under 15 million DM, financed jointly with federal and state funds. When the German library network was remodeled after the end of the Second World War, the Cologne Higher Institute of Sports became the centre of sport education in West-Germany. Its library traces its origin back to the day in 1947 when a British army truck appeared on the campus dumping a load of books and journals onto the lawn. The stock had been secretly taken from Berlin where it had formed part of a national sport collection. At first only ramshackle quarters could be found, and it took until 1963 that adequate storage was assured. That year the Institute's central administrative offices were opened, and the library moved its stock to two floors of that edifice. The premises were far from ideal for library use, and they furthermore soon proved too small for an ever growing student body. With just 40 seats in its reading section and its catalogues placed in the hallway, everyone believed in a short temporary arrangement. But due to budgetary restraints, plans for a new building were delayed from year to year. When the German Research Association (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft = DFG) in 1977 conferred the national sport collection to the library, the number of annual acquisitions rose steeply, but not in line with the space available for their storage. Thus soon books and journals were housed in the basement, and later in abandoned wardrobes, dressing rooms and equipment halls. Its quarters were so cramped, that state agencies responsible for the supervision of fire-prevention regulations several times even threatened a partial closure of the library. In 1986 the ministry in charge finally agreed to fund a new building for the beleaguered institution. The first draft foresaw 4.400 sqm of usable space, whittled down to 3.00 sqm in the course of detailed negotiations. A site was chosen, unfortunately a rather elongated piece of land, and in 1994 construction was finally begun. The new library is built as a five-storey structure, placed in a north-south direction on the campus. Via a small pedestrian bridge, which also permits handicapped person an unencumbered access, it is connected with the Federal Institute of Sport Research. The longitudinal edifice (79 x 16 m) with slanting metal roofs encompasses three glass-covered light shafts which permit natural light to get into the building. On the west side a line of trees will provide shade from the summer heat. The 3000 sqm of usable space offer ample room for catalogues, reading areas, cd-rom, microfiche-readers and book storage. As a specialized library subsidized by DFG funds, the library collects sport literature from publishers worldwide. It also subscribes to a large number of journals covering even special sport activities such as paragliding, inline skating and deep-sea diving. Periodicals are also collected irrespective of their language or country of origin. The scope of the library's collection also extends to government publications, grey literature, conference proceedings, reports and theses. The library not only provides literature for a substantial local usership (7.000 students), it furthermore receives requests for sport literature from a growing national and international clientele. In order to extend its services and to make consultation from afar possible, the Ministry agreed to finance the costs of an online-catalogue (OPAC). More difficult to put into practice will be the plan, cherished by library director Karl-Heinz Lemke, to open the library for longer hours during the week, because the state has become rather cautious in creating more posts. Gernot U. Gabel who wrote this piece on the Listserv works as deputy librarian in the Cologne university library. Preston Levi Librarian of the International Swimming Hall of Fame reports that the Hall of Fame is now supporting two Internet WWW sites: www.ishof.org and www.fina.org. Unfortunately, the library catalog is not currently included. IASI members are advised that the International Swimming Hall of Fame is willing to to assist with aquatic sports questions. The email address for the ISHOF is:
The library at the Norwegian University of Sports and Physical Education is the place with the responsibility for sports information in Norway. The Library is one of the seven large university and college libraries in the country responsible for one subject. The library's main activities are
The library has, through national cooperation, access to OCLC FirstSearch and ISI (Science Search, Social Science Search and Arts & Humanities Search). The staff have direct access to these databases. Since 1994 the library has been a member of the national university database BIBSYS. All literature from 1986, including some articles, are in the database. This data base can be searched via the Internet. There are 7 staff members covering 6 full time jobs. The staffing consists of a university librarian, 4 librarians, a consultant and a secretary. In March 1995 the library moved to a new location in the research building which was completed in spring 1995. The space and the equipment of this new library are very satisfactory. Internationally there is cooperation through a number of activities. The University cooperates with IASI, has Nordic cooperation through NORSIB, and has cooperation with the education library at University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. Last fall our library organized the NORSIB meeting. The address of the library is:
Report presented at 1996 IASI Meetings. Changes in the LIKES-Information Service and Jyvaskyla University Library reported to the 1996 IASI meeting by Anitta Palvimaki Head of Department LIKES - Information Service for Sport and Health Sciences Name Change The English names of the LIKES-Information Service and the LIKES-Research Center have been changed. The new names are LIKES - Information Service for Sport and Health Sciences and LIKES - Research Center for Sport and Health Sciences. The publication series is called LIKES - Research Reports for Sport and Health (the latest publication list available). Staff Changes LIKES information specialist Outi Merilainen has moved to a new job. She is now an information specialist in the Finnish Research and Development Center for Welfare and Health in Helsinki. She will still remain as a personal member of IASI and it is hoped that she will be in Paris at the IASI Congress reporting of her study "Compatibility of the Finnish Sport Thesaurus with the Canadian Sport Thesaurus with special reference to descriptor equivalence". The chief librarian of the Jyvaskyla University Library Ms. Oili Kokkonen has retired this summer. Her successor is Mr. Kai Ekholm. Internet The address of the WWW-page of the LIKES-Information Service is: http://www.jyu.fi/-kirj asto/tieteenalat/Iiik/likes.html Teaching and advising researchers, teachers and students of the Jyvaskyla University and LIKES to use Internet for retrieving information about their own branch of science is now an everyday activity particularly as the technological infrastructure improves. The University of Jyvaskyla computer network has been widened (ATM super highway), and new high-tech computers have been provided for staff and students. The WWW pages of the Jyvaskyla University Library have been developed since 1995. Most of the pages have been translated into English and the amount of both national as well as international links relevant to sports scientists have been increased http://www.Jyu.fi/~/library/ In cooperation with five Finnish university libraries, among them Jyvaskyla University Library, a research project called "Virtual Library" was started in May 1996. This project aims is to study the usefulness of Internet information resources and an inventory of information resources available via the Internet will be made. The project also collects user-friendly links (= "virtual libraries") in various subject fields on its WWW pages. Jyvaskyla University Library examines the resources of sport sciences, psychology and education. The address of the WWW-page of sport sciences is www.jyu.fi/~/library/virtuaalikirjasto/Iiikunta The Virtual Library pages are only in Finnish. The Finnish Sport Thesaurus The 2nd revised edition of the Finnish Sport Thesaurus has now been published. Phone Number Changes All district codes of Finnish telephones will be changed soon. From October 12, 1996 on the new telephone and fax numbers are: LIKES-Information Service: tel. +358 14 603 390 (Anitta Palvimaki), fax +351 14 603 371 Jyvaskyla University Library: tel. +358 14 603 391 (Mira Laitinen), fax +358 14 603371. Cooperation in the Nordic Region The calendar of NORSIB (Cooperative Body for Sport Information in Nordic Countries) will not be published any more. Instead a NORSIB homepage has been established on the Internet. The Jyvaskyla University Library is in charge of the project and the NORSIB homepage has been attached into its WWW-document. The NORSIB pages are available in Swedish and English http://www.jyu.fi/~/-kirjasto/norsib The latest update (December 1996) of the SPORTDiscus CD-ROM was shipped in late January from Silver Platter. With this update, the database now contains more than 400,000 references. Also on this update is a full reload of the HERACLES database which now contains more than 66,400 references. A free listing of Periodicals Indexed for SPORTDiscus is now available and can be obtained by contacting Linda Wheeler .Please include your full mailing address in your e-mail address. Please note that SIRC's ARIEL address for electronic inter library loans has been changed to You can also use: ariel.sirc.ca The 6th conference of the North American Sport Library Network will be held at the Los Angeles Amateur Athletic Foundation from 24-25 October 1997. BELARUS CONFERENCE ON THE FUTURE OF SPORT Mr Vladimir Soroko Director of the Library of the Republican Scientific and Methodical Library for Physical Culture reports that in December 1996 a scientific and practical conference was held in Minsk Belarus to examine the problems of top sport and sports reserve training in Belarus. The conference was organised by the Ministry of Sport and Tourism, Scientific and Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sports and the Academy for Physical Education and Sport. Charles Durand IASI member from South Africa has provided the following information on Events Calendar, whose services may be of use to the members of IASI. Events Calendar is a sport information bureau based in Johannesburg South Africa, and forms part of the SSI group of companies which include sport sponsorship management and marketing, event management, and design and production company. It was formed in 1992 to provide sporting event information to the media. The operation can be divided into two parts: 1. Maintaining various databases on sponsors and sponsorships, sporting organisations, both governmental and private, sporting events, and facilities. 2. Doing research projects for clients according to specific briefs. This would typically include facts and figures on sport structures, sponsorships, and player and spectators demographics and numbers. We have designed a very user friendly software package called SportDisk, which is a searchable database of what, where and when of several thousand sporting events. It is distributed on an annual subscription basis and costs R2 500-00 (about $500) per annum. Monthly updates are sent by disk to subscribers. Subscribers include magazines, video production companies, town councils, hotel groups and sport product suppliers. We also have an email service whereby subscribers are alerted to the latest announcements of new events, sponsorships and other sport related news by receiving a weekly email newsletter. Although our focus is South African, we are expecting the company to show particular growth on the international side as more businesses become aware of our services and products. In a nutshell, should anyone require information on the structure of the competitions of any sport in South Africa, as well as of sponsorship and administrative matters, we will be able to supply information.
From the beginning of the 1980's, China commenced its patent system of which sport inventions are an important part and a database for sports patents has since been established. The China Sports Patent Database now contains over 5,500 sports patents for which patent protection has been applied for in the China Patent Bureau since 1985. The patents relate to sport uniforms, sports facilities, sports equipment and so on. Patent information recorded in this database includes filing data, patent agents, inventors, applicants, dates of delegate, disclosure and application number, etc. The database was set up on software CDS/ISIS which is easy to use and enables us to retrieve whatever patents we are interested in with abstracts available. The staff are now giving full play of their wisdom and technical skills to make the database a very quick and convenient retrieval system. This data base has given vitality to the promotion of sport patent in China. For further information, please contact: Mr. Zhang Zhongyou, Tel:86-10-67122162 Advertisements can be placed in the IASI Newsletter at a cost of US$50.00 for a full A4 page or US$25.00 for half an A4 page. Contact the Editor of the Newsletter if you wish to place an advertisement. |
Copyright 1997-2002 International Association for Sports Information Design and hosting support services are provided by SIRC (http://www.sirc.ca) Website content updates: Gretchen Ghent, Website technical problems: Susan Duncan, |