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International Association for Sports Information
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No 7, November 1996 Table of Contents IASI is a non-profit making organisation whose aim is to stimulate, support and develop activities in the field of international documentation and information for physical education and sport. It brings together a world-wide network of scientists, documentalists, librarians, information experts and managers of sports information and documentation centres. In order to reflect worldwide developments in sport information the editor of the newsletter welcomes contributions from all countries in all languages. For contributions to the IASI Newsletter contact Nerida Clarke Director Information Services Australian Sports Commission PO Box 176 Belconnen ACT 2616 Australia Email nclarke@ausport.gov.au or Fax (+61) 062521681. DID YOU KNOW?
For contributions to the IASI Newsletter which are always welcome contact:
For information about IASI contact:
The annual meeting of IASI was held from 1-6 September 1996 in Netanya Israel at the Wingate Institute. This meeting was an unqualified success and ensured that there was continuity in the operation of the Association. after the cancellation of the meeting earlier in the year. Unfortunately many members were not able to reschedule their programs in time after the cancellation of the May date. However the quality of the meetings made up for the lack of numbers. The program offered meetings of the Executive Committee, General Assembly, IASI Open Forum, Presidential Boards, ad hoc working groups and workshops on major topics. The organization of the conference was very professional and we would like to congratulate Ayala and her staff for the excellent arrangements of the official as well as the social programs. We thoroughly enjoyed our stay in such beautiful surroundings. The following are the key decisions made by the Executive Committee at the meeting:
Responses to the questionnaire regarding the future of IASI have now been received from 14 members. These responses have been collated and have been distributed to Regional Vice Presidents for comment. These responses and any additional comments will then be worked into a Draft Strategic Plan for IASI for the period 1997-2001 which it is hoped will be finalised at the General Assembly in Paris in June 1997. It is not too late for your comments on the future of IASI so please pass these to Nerida Clarke or Albert Remans. The IASI meeting was a happy yet sad occassion for the IASI membership It was sad in that it was the occassion when Gilles Chiasson resigned from the position of IASI President, a position he has held since 1989. Gilles has made an outstanding contribution to the Association and he has been a well respected leader through whose efforts the Association has become more open, more international and more progressive. Gilles has set a fine example as a sport information professional and it is largely through his representation that the profession of sport information has gained increased recognition. Gilles' quietly spoken, friendly, gentle manner has done much to enhance international understanding in sport and has contributed to the increase in the membership of IASI in all regions of the world. Many members of IASI were not able to be present in Israel to express their personal thanks to Gilles for his work however we hope that he will continue to be an active member of IASI and that we will see him in Paris to express our personal thanks for his leadership over 7 years. Nerida Clarke the Oceania Regional Vice President of IASI has been elected as the interim IASI President to replace Gilles and she will hold this position until the General Assembly in Paris in June 1997 when a new 4 year term President will be elected. At the Israel meeting two new Vice Presidents were announced following regional elections and endorsement at the Extraordinary General Assembly these new office bearers are: Mrs Gretchen Ghent as the new Vice president for North America and Mr Laurie Tempelhoff as the new Vice president for Africa. Slovenian Sports Office The Slovenian Sports Office which was founded in August 1994 by the Ministry of Education and Sport, the Olympic Committee of Slovenia and the Slovenian Sports Association and aims to give these three important Slovenian sport institutions a common professional service. The Slovenian Sports Office is providing information about sports events and is also regularly covering and maintaining a network of contact persons which act as a living link between the office and the people who seek information, data and advice. The Internet address is http://ero.sp.uni-lj.si Commonwealth Games Information A number of sites with Commonwealth ames information are now springing up. The 1998 Kuala Lumpar Games have a site http://www.k198.com.my, the Manchester 2002 Games have a site http://poptel.org.uk/commonwealth2002 and the Australian Commonwealth Games Association also has a site http://www.ausport.gov.au/acga SPORTCAL International & SPORTCAL Australia Sportcal the leading world electronic sports calendar is currently working on the development of an Internet interface to Sportcal International which it is expected will be available in 1997. Sportcal Australia will work with Sportcal International to make Australian event information available through the Internet. South African Sport Information A wide range of information on all aspects of South African sport is available through the Worldnet Africa site at http://africa.cis.co.za Laurie Tempelhoff advises that the South Africa Sport Bibliographic Data base will in the future be available through the Sport links on this page. A 2 day meeting of Australian (and one New Zealand) sport information providers was held at the Queensland Academy of Sport in Brisbane in October. This meeting discussed amongst other things the Australian National Sport Information Strategy, collection development policies, client definition, Internet services and strategies to cope with recent budget cuts. Practical demonstrations were given on SportNet the national electronic network for sport being developed by the Australian Sports Commission to which all State based information providers are being connected. Included in the meeting program were 2 addresses one from an industry expert on technological change and its effect on information centres and the other was by Nerida Clarke who outlined the effects of technological change specifically in the sporting environment. The meeting agreed on the following actions:
The Institute of Physical Education and Sports of the University of Antioquia (Colombia) will host the activities of 1997 SPORTCOM. For the first time, SPORTCOM will organize two courses, the traditional one on Sport Documentation for the centres belonging to the Latin-American Network, and another one on Sports Direction and Management. As it has been doing since 1993, when it set up the Latin-American Network for Sport Documentation, the Andalusian Institute of Sport, at the time called Unisport, announced the 3rd LATIN-AMERICAN COURSE ON SPORT DOCUMENTATION, this time focusing on the subject "Direction and Management Techniques for Sport Documentation Centres". This 40 hour course will be held in Colombia, thanks to the kind offer of the Institute of Physical Education and Sports of the University of Antioquia, one of the most renowned and active centres in the field of Sport Documentation within Latin-America. This 3rd Course will be under the direction of Josi Aquesolo, the person responsible for the Network, and it is addressed to all documentalists and librarians of the centres belonging to SPORTCOM, up to a maximum of 33 participants. Among the invited experts is Pilar Iruretagoyena, from the University Carlos III of Madrid, Patricia Arjona, manager of the IAD's computer area, Jeszs Roca, director of the IAD's area of Certifications and Training and several other management and direction experts. The course contents will include documentary analysis and retrieval, computer science applied to documentary management, information sources and resources on the Internet, management and direction systems, and marketing and communication of sport documentation centres. Several months ago, the Director of the Institute, Rodrigo Arboleda, visited the IAD's headquarters in Malaga and reached a cooperation agreement which may stretch out well beyond the field of sport documentation. One of the outcomes of these conversations was the decision of the IAD's Director, Juan de la Cruz Vazquez, to add to the SPORTCOM program a new activity, addressed to sport leaders and technical staff, club managers and politicians responsible for sport in Latin-America, based on the long-lasting tradition of the IAD, since 1984, in the field of training. Thus, the 1st LATIN-AMERICAN COURSE ON SPORTS DIRECTION will be held with as its main theme "Sport organization, leadership sponsorship and marketing". The course will have a length of 32 hours and will be under the direction of Jeszs Roca Hernandez. The subjects to be dealt with include, among others "Models and culture of sport organizations", "Leadership and motivation in sport organizations", "Planning and Management of sport organizations", "Information and communication systems", "Marketing of sport organizations", and "Financing and sponsoring ways for sport organizations". Both courses, which will be developed simultaneously and will take place at the Institute of Physical Education and Sports of the University of Antioquia, from August 11th to 17th 1997. On October 21-23, 1996 in Moscow, at the State Russian Academy for Physical Education(RGAFK) a meeting of the Library Directors of the educational Institutions for Physical Education of the Russian Federation was held. Vladimir Soroko Director of the Republican Scientific-and-Methodological Library for Physical Culture (RNMBFK) of the Republic of Belarus was invited to take part in this meeting. At the meeting it was noted that because of the financial problems the Central Organ of Scientific-Technical Information for Physical Culture and Sport (ZOONTI FIS) and the Branch Library of the All-Union Research Institute for Physical Culture (VNIIFK) ceased to exist. In practice nowadays the system of scientific-and-technical information in the field of education and sports is functioning on the basis of the 24 libraries of the educational institutionsof the Russian Federation (13 higher educational institutions and 11 technical schools and colleges). The participants of the meeting came to a decision to establish the Methodical Library Council on the basis of the Education-and-Methodical Society (UMO) for Physical Education. The Library of the RGAFK was recognized as a Coordination Organ. The Consultative Group of the library-information system functioning in the frames of the Commonwealth Independent States (CIS) was also established. It was comprised of the directors of the following libraries: RNMBFK,RGAFK and of the Siberian State Academy for Physical Education (Omsk city). The Director of the RNMBFK, Mr. Vladimir Soroko, presented a report entitled "Problems of Access to the World Information Resources". Mr. Soroko explained the role of IASI and advised the delegates of the proceedings of the Consultative Forum held in September 1996 in Israel. He noted that without the international databases at their disposal scientists and practitioners in the sphere of physical education and sports of Russian Federation and Belarus, as well as in other countries of CIS, are practically isolated from the world information flow. Besides he informed that as a result of participation in the contest, organized by the Belarus Soros Foundation, RNMBFK had won a grant. Thanks to this grant our Library will get the database "Sport Discus". On the other hand nothing is known in the world of information about scientific achievements and practical activities in the sphere of physical education and sport in the countries of the CIS. RNMBFK in the only sports library on the territory of the CIS represented in the IASI, so the participants of the above-mentioned meeting expressed their wish to get full information about IASI's activities with the help of the RNMBFK Library. The meeting decided to put forward a proposal to IASI to enter information about the sports achievements in the countries of the CIS into the international databases, including database "Sport Discus",in English and in Russian language. With the purpose of developing a branch library net the participants of the meeting addressed the Heads of the Russian Federation educational institutions to render help in organization, financing and personnel selection.
With increasing integration in Europe and the recognition of the social importance of sport there is an increasing need to gain an overall view of sports participation in each country and the services provided to sports participants. In view of this CONI (Italy) and the Sports Council (UK) some years ago took part in creating the International Committee for Sports Statistics within the International Statistical Institute (ISI). This group have now initiated a project called COMPASS which calls s for the Coordinated Monitoring of Participation in Sports on a European Basis. This project will result in the "European Report on Sports Participation" which will be a useful document not only in Europe but throughout the world where a number of countries are attempting to monitor sports participation. IASI is supportive of this project and has formed an ad-hoc Working Group so that a wider group of IASI members can join the project. This group will also prepare guidelines for setting up a description of the sports system in a country (facts, figures and structures), like the one used by the Council of Europe, so that this can be used by the national centres all over the world. Mr Alain Poncet President of the IASI 10th Scientific Congress has reported that plans for the Congress are well underway and that papers are being received from all parts of the world. The Congress will take place from 10-12 June 1997 and will be preceded by the annual IASI meetings and consultative forum from 7-9 June and will be followed on 13 June by the IASI General Assembly. For additional information on the Congress contact:
Based on a Report To IASI by: The first edition of the Italian Thesaurus of Sport is now available. The Italian Thesaurus is based on the methodological standards adopted in the Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC), although some specific adaptations have been introduced in order to make it compatible with the linguistic and conceptual uses of the Italian sport users. The Thesaurus has been developed by the Centro di Documentazione Sportiva of Siracusa, which was charged with the task by the Scuola dello Sport (Italian Olympic Committee) in 1995. The Thesaurus is based both on the terms contained in the SIRC Thesaurus (in order to ensure maximum compatibility and ease of consultation) and on a specific list of Italian keyboards that had been used in the past for the indexing. The total number of terms included amounts to 3603. A parallel list of Sport Bibliography Subject Heading Codes has been produced to make the procedure for searching and indexing easier and to facilitate the proper development of semantic fields. The first draft of the Italian Thesaurus of Sport was circulated at the end of 1995 and a first revision by a group of experts of different fields was carried out together with a first control of internal consistency. A second revision was undertaken in July 1996 in order to detect and clear all the remaining errors and the contradictions and a working group with responsibility for updating the Thesaurus has been appointed. The structure and the methodological basis of the Thesaurus does not differ from the rules adopted by SIRC for the latest edition of the Sport Thesaurus. Scope notes and comments have been added in order to explain the reasons for the choice of some terms.On many occasions a compromise has been found between the uses of the Italian sport community and the terminology adopted by SIRC, but in most of the cases the national terminology has been preferred. The indexing procedures have been described in a specific manual. This Thesaurus will be soon available in a bilingual version since the majority of the terms have been already associated to English terms. For the few terms that have been included in the Italian Thesaurus and which have no corresponding term in the SIRC SPORT Thesaurus a specific scope note will be added.
On March 7, 1994, the University of Calgary University Research Grants Committee awarded me a short-term grant to index the pre-1970 published books, dissertations, periodical articles, essays and conference proceedings on Canadian physical education and sport history for SPORT Discus, the international sport database produced by the Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC) in Gloucester, Ontario. The award was made with funds provided to the University of Calgary by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. BACKGROUND A number of years ago if one searched for sport citations in the SPORT Discus one would find that there were less than 1800 citations with pre-1970 imprint dates. These citations came from mainly two sources;
ORGANIZATION OF THE PROJECT The literature divides itself into bibliographic types and into sport-specific and non-sport sources. After surveying the relevant indexing services and bibliographies, assessing their comprehensiveness and consistency, I decided that the best way to survey the non-sport periodical literature, systematically, was to work through the runs of journals. The SSHRCC grant monies has enabled me to hire student assistants and they have been instrumental in surveying over 140 academic and popular culture Canadian journals (which I define as journals published in Canada or on Canadian studies published in other parts of the world). In the past year and a half, many articles have been identified in diverse titles including; Alberta History, Alberta Journal of Educational Research, Archivist, The Beaver, Broadcaster, Canadian annual review, Canadian children, Canadian education and research digest, Canadian dimension, Canadian welfare, Histoire socialelSocial history, Journal of Canadian studies, Journal of educational thought, McGill Journal of education, McGill University magazine (1901-1920), Maclean's, Orbit, Queen's quarterly, Saskatchewan history, This magazine, Urban history review. I have also indexed one US serial, Journal of the West, as a number of Canadian researchers have published there. I have interpreted Canadian history very broadly and have included in my list of serial titles national and local history, education, political science, geography, philosophy, sociology, current events/popular culture, anthropology among other social sciences and humanities disciplines. Some topics e.g. fishing, hunting, and fox hunting have not been indexed unless the material has other social or cultural features to make it important to the sport history literature. Also, I found it necessary to check periodical runs up to the present year, although my grant application stated pre-1 970 imprints. I feel it is important to be assured a serial title was thoroughly and consistently covered for the SPORT Discus. At the beginning of the project periodical articles were photocopied and sent to SIRC along with the coding sheets for oversight by Marion Fournier, the Head Indexer. Presently most of the indexing is entered in the word processing software, WordPerfect and sent to SIRC via Internet. By utilizing the field tags enclosed by exclamation points and followed by the information, e.g. !SO10! CaACU (this is the tag for Location and it is followed by the Interlibrary Loan symbol for the University of Calgary Library), SIRC is able to upload the data inhouse (as they do for the Australian data), thus saving time for the SIRC indexing and data entry staff who can remain focused on the indexing of current publications. Early in the project, while the major periodical work was being done by the student assistants, I took two other tacks in addition to the important bibliographic control functions. I sent letters to over 50 Canadian faculty researchers in sport history, philosophy and sociology requesting the publication's list from their CV's, and with this information, and that from my survey of the bibliographies in sport history theses and dissertations, was able to identify many essays in non-sport collected works along with monographs, government publications, reports, other theses and dissertations. This faculty input has been a gold mine of information for the project. To date I have had a 60% response rate. A third initiative of the project has been inspection of the University of Calgary Library's collection of local and institutional histories. Using the UC shelf list for specific parts of the collection, we have completed the survey of the Alberta local and city histories, part of Saskatchewan and the institutional histories of Canadian collegiates and universities. This is a wonderful source for specific sport history, which, at times, contains rather raw and unsophisticated writing, nonetheless is a fascinating body of material. The fourth aspect of the project is the identification of monographs and theses which are not in the SPORT Discus already. A 2000 item list of monographs/theses has been compiled using the information from a host of bibliographies and from laborious subject searching of the major Canadian library data base called CATSS/REFCATSS, which is maintained by ISM Library Information Services in Etobicoke, Ontario. WORK TO BE ACCOMPLISHED August-December 1996 There remain a number of important parts to be completed, including:
Mr Laurie Tempelhoff of the South African Sports Data and Information Centre reported at the Israel meeting that major changes are taking place in South African sport and there are also changes in the development of sports information services. The Department of Sport and Recreation in conjunction with the National Sports Council and the National Olympic Committee of South Africa has created the Sport Information and Science Agency (SISA) . This jointly managed body will oversee various aspects of sport information and sports science. This refereed journal which is published twice a year was founded for the purpose of disseminating new and current ideas, methods and techniqies relating to the field of sports such as psychology, administration, law, medicine and the media. The journal is international in focus. Articles should be submitted in English and should not exceed 20 double spaced typed pages. Footnotes should appear on a separate page and follow a uniform style. The author should send 3 copies of the article with a short biography. All charts, graphs and tables must be submitted in camera ready form and an abstract of no more than 50 words should be submitted. Articles should be submitted to:
Advertisements can be placed in the IASI Newsletter at a cost of US$50.00 for a full A4 page or US$25.00 for half an A4 page. Contact the Editor of the Newsletter if you wish to place an advertisement. |
Copyright 1997-2002 International Association for Sports Information Design and hosting support services are provided by SIRC (http://www.sirc.ca) Website content updates: Gretchen Ghent, Website technical problems: Susan Duncan, |