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International Association for Sports Information
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No 5, June 1996 Table of Contents IASI is a non-profit making organisation whose aim is to stimulate, support and develop activities in the field of international documentation and information for physical education and sport. It brings together a world-wide network of scientists, documentalists, librarians, information experts and managers of sports information and documentation centres. Since the IASI annual meeting held in Malaga in Spain in May 1995 IASI has been fortunate to have the services of Steve Hewett from the Centre for Sports Science and History, Main Library, University of Birmingham UK who has diligently and professionally edited and prepared the IASI Newsletter. Steve has now taken up a position outside sport information and has had to resign as editor of the Newsletter. The members of IASI would like to thank Steve for his efforts in producing the Newsletter which has proved to be a very successful communication tool serving a membership located in all parts of the world. We wish Steve every success in his future career. A new Editor for the Newsletter will be appointed at the IASI meeting in Israel however in the interim comments and contributions should be forwarded to:
For information about IASI contact:
Because of the cancellation of the May IASI Annual Meeting thePresidium has decided after consultation with the Executive Committee to reschedule the annual meeting for 1-6 September 1996. The Wingate Institute after putting so much effort into the planning of the May meeting has kindly offered to host the September meeting. Invitations will be issued to IASI members along with the revised agenda in the next few days. At the 1995 IASI Meeting in Malaga a workshop session on the Future of IASI was held. The workshop aimed to identify the key concerns and issues which IASI should address in the future with a view to incorporating these in the future working plan of IASI which would be adopted at the 1997 General Assemby of IASI. At the IASI Presidium meeting in Paris it was decided that the whole membership of IASI should be asked for their views on Key Issues which Mr Bruno-Rossi Mori has colated based on the Malaga discussions. In order to obtain members views a questionnaire is being distributed in hard copy and through the Internet IASI Home Page. Responses to the questionnaire should be returned by 1 August 1996. It is important that members express their views on the future of IASI so please respond to the questionnaire. European Journal of Physicional Educat This official journal of the Physical Education Association of the UK will be published from December 1996. the journal will provide an international forum for the disssemination of research in physical education. Subscription details available from:
Sport Education and SocietyThis journal is published twice a year and provides a focal point for research on pedagogy, policy and a wide range of associated cultural, social, political and ethical issues in physical activity and sport. The journal is published by :
The 6th Meeting of NORSIB, the Cooperative Body for Sport Information in the Nordic countries was held in Oslo Norway from October 5-6 1995. The meeting was hosted by the Library of the Norwegian University of Sport and Physical Education and 14 participants from Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland attended. Some of the topics discussed and decisions made at the meeting included:
The meeting offered participants interesting lectures on topics such as athletes' eating disorders and a digital library. Furthermore, participants had an opportunity to visit the new facilities of the library and the university and the research centre of top sports. The next NORSIB meeting will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1997. Steve Hewett has resigned as the Librarian of the Centre for Sports History and Sports Science Main Library at the University of Birmingham to take up a position in the Main Library as the Liaison Librarian for the Faculty of Science. As mentioned in the Editorial Steve has done a great job as Editor of the IASI Newsletter and we thank him for his work. Boodie Newsom-McGinnis has resigned as the IASI Vice President North America as she has taken up a position as Associate Librarian/Head of Public Services at Cornell University's School of Hotel Administration Library. Boodie has made a valueable contribution to IASI over nearly 15 years and her input will be sadly missed. She intends to continue her personal membership of IASI but is unlikely to be able to attend future meetings. She will not be moving house and has said that she hopes she can maintain contact with her many IASI friends. Sally Hall has returned from maternity leave to the Sports Council in London. Welcome back Sally! Internet Connections are now available for two IASI Members Mr Ma Tie of China advises that he can be contacted on email at the following address: Erika Schwarz of Consejo Superior de Deportes Spain also advises that she has an Internet email address this is . The internationally renowned Olympic Museum, located in Lausanne, Switzerland, signed an agreement with the Sport Information Resource Centre in January 1996. This agreement will allow the bibliographic database of the Museum's library to be included on the SPORT DiscusCD-ROM. The Olympic Museum acknowledged that this will allow for international access to this unique collection of Olympic information resources. The Olympic Museum, which is a foundation of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), was founded in 1922 when it was first housed in premises in Montbenon, Switzerland. It later moved to Mon-Repos Villa in Lausanne and operated there until 1970. No exhibits were displayed after 1970 until the re-establishment of the Olympic Museum in 1982 by the IOC. In 1993 it moved to its new modern facilities at Ouchy in the centre of Lausanne. The Museum puts the Olympic Movement on display and provides constant information on the Games. The library of the Olympic Museum contains over 15,000 volumes relating to the IOC,the Games, and Olympic disciplines as well as sport in general and its relations with health, art and culture. It is constantly being enriched by new additions. The Sport Information Resource Centre was founded in 1973 and is a nonprofit organization which indexes the literature of sport through its on-line SPORT Database and its CD-ROM SPORT Discus. The SPORT Discus currently includes the SPORT Database (over 375,000 bibliographic citations) and also France's largest sport information database, Sportdoc's Heracles database (over 55,000 bibliographic citations). The SPORT Database and the SPORT Discus are currently being used in over 50 countries around the world and by more than 200,000 people annually. The addition of the Olympic Museum's database to the SPORT Discus will allow for worldwide access to this unique collection of sport information. It is planned that the Olympic Museum's database will be added to the SPORT Discus in its July update. This information would then be accessible prior to the commencement of the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta this summer. The latest quarterly update of the CD-ROM SPORT Discus is now available from SilverPlatter Information. It offers a complete reload of the entire SPORT Database, fully incorporating recent changes and corrections. For the first time on SPORT Discus, many of the citations to the periodical literature now feature ISSNs. This will be extremely useful to all organizations using the SilverPlatter Library Holdings software which allows users to match the database against the library's own holdings files. With this update, it now also possible to search the whole database by Subject Headings not only in English, but also in French and in Spanish. Searchers now have the added capabilities of searching and viewing Italian and Spanish language abstracts and descriptors (keywords) on those bibliographic records which have been submitted by the database indexing partners, the Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano - Centro di Documentazione Sportiva in Rome and the Instituto Andaluz del Deporte in Malaga. This enhanced language access is the perfect complement to SilverPlatter's search software which is now available in English, French, German and Spanish. The Sport Database / Discus and other SIRC products are available from:
The ICSSPE Board Meeting was held in Brisbane from 4-6 February 1996. As she was geographically close Nerida Clarke the IASI Oceania Vice President attended the meeting and represented IASI. The New Zealand Olympic Committee and Commonwealth Games Association now have a presence on the Internet. The address is www.olympic.org.nz/nzocga/nzocga.html NBC the television network in the USA has established a WWW site with statistical, biographical and historical information on the Olympic Games the address is: www.olympic.nbc.com Recently a World Sport For All Data Base has been announced. This data base is being run by the International Sport for All Federation and the European Sport For All Union. The data base which currently has limited information will be expanded as countries respond to a recently distributed questionnaire which asks for details of their Sport for All organisations and programs. For further information on the data base contact: FISpT Permanent Office Molendal 26, 1700 Dilbeek, Belgium Telephone: 32.2/569.07.21 or Fax: 32.2/569.43.77 or view the Internet home page for the data base at /www.avnet.it/fispt-uespt. The New Zealand Sports Foundation is being revamped to unite the best features of the existing New Zealand Sports Foundation and the high performance unit of the Hillary Commission. The Foundation will co-ordinate the funding and management of high performance sport to ensure New Zealand's success at the 2000 Olympic Games and other international sporting contests. IASI has published a new edition of this Directory which now lists over 100 organisations in all continents who provide sport information resources and services. The Directory has been completely updated and now contains a full index. Copies of the Directory will be distributed free of charge to all organisations who provided an entry for the Directory other organisations and individuals will be required to pay US$25.00 for the Directory. In the near future the complete Directory will be available on the IASI Home Page on the Internet. Orders for the Directory should be sent to Sport Information Resource Centre 1600 James Naismith Drive, Gloucester Ontario Canada K1B 5N4. Gilles Chiasson is currently working on the compilation of the holdings of sport periodicals indexed on the Sport data base which are held by IASI member libraries and documentation centres. If you have not submitted holdings you may still do so and these will be included in the list prior to publication in September 1996. The aim of this listing is to help identify who in the world is holding periodicals indexed on the data base. Eventually it is hoped that these holdings may be included on Sport Discus. VIDEOTAPE ON INSEP L'Institut nation du sport et de l'éducation physique (INSEP) in France has produced a videotape which describes INSEP and its programs for the preparation of athletes. For more information regarding obtaining a copy of the videotape please contact Mr Alain Poncet Service de Documentation INSEP 11 avenue du Tremblay 75012 Paris France. INSEP has produced this important work which lists in French and English all the key words and phrases used in relation to the 26 Summer Olympic sports. In the future a similar work will be produced for the winter Olympic sports. The book 'Lexique anglais/francais des sports olympiques' Paris, INSEP, 1995(ISBN 2-86580-080-6) is available from Librarie Vigot-Maloine 23 rue de l'Ecole de Medicine 75006 Paris (Fax 46 34 05 89) at a cost of 100FF plus postage. The Amateur Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles sports resource centre has completed a three language kiosk version of its interactive multimedia program 'An Olympic Journey: the story of women in the Olympic Games'. The program, which runs in English, French and Spanish, will be part of the OLYMPIC WOMAN exhibition, one of the events of the Atlanta Games Cultural Olympiad. Organisers anticipate that 500,000 people will visit the Olympic Woman exhibition. This newly formed network consists of over 250 institutions in Europe who are involved in physical education and sport. Mr Bruno Rossi-Mori has been involved in discussions with the network regarding the importance of information and is promoting the activities of IASI to the network including the Paris 1997 Congress. Mr Rossi-Mori advises that ENSSHE has agreed to work towards co-operation with IASI and to develop a European Agreement for Sport Information Exchanges. Two immediate actions will take place. Firstly an invitation will be sent to all librarians, information and documentation experts in the institutions which are members of ENSSHE inviting them to participate in the 1997 IASI Congress in Paris. Secondly ENSSHE will ask four or five institutions to help with the management of data base projects already commenced and in getting this information onto the Internet. The selected institutes will be INSEP in Paris, INEFC in Barcelona, University of Jyvaskyla in Finland, the Scuola dello Sport in Rome and BISP in Cologne. These institutions are already members of IASI so there will be a definite link between the work of ENSSHE and IASI. For more information on the activities of the network please contact Mr Bruno Rossi-Mori at Divisione Documentazione e Information CONI Foro Italico 1 00194 Rome Italy (Fax 39 6 36857873). After the cancellation of the May 1996 1996 IASI Annual Meeting it was decided to hold a meeting of the IASI Presidential Board (Presidium) at INSEP in Paris to:
(b) discuss preparations for the 1997 IASI Congress in Paris (c) discuss the implications of the cancellation of the meeting on the Presidential election and: (d) to decide if in fact a 1996 IASI meeting should be held and if so where that meeting should be. The Presidium meeting was attended by Mr Gilles Chiasson (President), Mr Albert Remans (Secretary/Treasurer), Mr Ma Tie and Mr Zhao Yaping (Vice President Asia), Ms Esparanza Bobes (Vice President Latin America), Mr Bruno Rossi-Mori (Vice President Europe), Mrs Nerida Clarke (Vice President Oceania) and observers Ms Donatello Minelli (Italy) and Mr Alain Poncet (France). Apologies were received from Mr Lawrie Templhof (Vice President Acting Africa). 1. Based on the IASI Statutes and the operational needs of the Association the Presidium proposed to hold a meeting in the Autumn of 1996. Before making a final decision on a meeting the Presidium agreed to ask members of the Executive Committee to express their views regarding an Autumn meeting. 2. An Extraordinary General Assembly will be organised (together with the meeting of the Executive Committee OR by post) before the end of this year. This General Assembly will have to elect a new IASI President as well as two Vice-presidents (for Africa and North America). 3. The Presidential Board welcomed Mrs Nerida Clarke as the new Editor-in-chief of the IASI Newsletter. Another four issues of the Newsletter will be published before the next Paris Congress in June 1997.The Newsletter will be disseminated to a larger public and a translation in Portuguese (through Sibradid, Belo Horizonte) will be encouraged. 4. The Presidential Board decided to give priority to the IASI Newsletter in stead of the Bulletin. Documents of major importance will be published in an extra issue of the Newsletter. 5. The Presidential Board accepted the proposal of the Scuola dello Sport to revise the booklet "IASI, yesterday, today, tomorrow". Mr Chiasson, out-going President of IASI volunteered to coordinate the manuscript of this new edition. 6. The Directory of Sports Information and information centres will be mailed (free of charge) to all Centres included in the publication. Additional copies are available at US$25.00. 7. The Presidential Board welcomed the invitation of the organisers of the Pre-Olympic Scientific Congress in Dallas in July 1996 to organise a IASI Symposium on Sports Information within the official programme of this world Congress. 8.The Presidium decided to send a questionnaire regarding the future policy of the Association to the IASI members in order to prepare the General Assembly of 1997 in Paris. 9.Finally, the Presidium took note of the efforts made by the French organisors concerning the IASI Scientific Congress in 1997. On Thursday 9 May the members of the Presidium participated at the Second Preparatory Meeting for this Congress. 10. The Presidium agreed on the following budget for 1996
11.The Presidium also approved the Report of IASI Auditor Accounting (fiscal year 1995, 1 April 1995 - 31 March 1996) as well as the Financial Balance dated 1 April 1996 showing a positive credit of 23.708,48. 12.The Presidium considered proposals received since the beginning of 1995. The meeting decided to ask for additional information on the projects introduced by Mr Guskov (Russian references), Mr Krapka (Czech Republic, translation thesaurus) and Mrs Edeltraud (Honduras, publication) ADVERTISING RATES Advertisements can be placed in the IASI Newsletter at a cost of US$50.00 for a full A4 page or US$25.00 for half an A4 page. Contact the Editor of the Newsletter if you wish to place an advertisement. |
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