No 4, February 1996
Table of Contents
8th International Conference on New Information Technology 95
Under the patronage of the US National Commission of Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS), together with the National Library of Latvia, NIT '95 was held in Riga, Latvia in November 1995. The Conference Organizer was Dr.Ching-chih Chen, Professor and Associate Dean of the Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Simmons College, Boston.
The conference was organized for library and information professionals, education media specialists and technologists representing the Baltic States, the United States, the Ukraine, Russia and the United Kingdom.
During the Conference there were reports and debates on technical and creative issues relating to IT development, the use of IT in libraries and the use and dissemination of information.
Delegates received a CD-ROM called "A quick guide to NIT" with text and images relating to four of the previous conferences.
The content of the Conference Programme is on a Home Page prepared by the University of Latvia. The URL for this is www.lanet.lv Within the framework of the Conference the National Library of Latvia had organized the presentation of special library furniture from Germany, (Schulzbibliotekstechnik GMBH Speyer), which is very useful, multi-functional, attractive, ecologically friendly and of very good quality with a twenty year guarantee! If anyone would like their address, email Irina Vasiljeva on . Or fax: (+371) 2 782 1395.
The next NIT Conference will be held in Pretoria.
Microform Publications of Human Movement Studies
Microform Publications of Human Movement Studies, which disseminates graduate research completed in colleges and universities in the United States and Canada, has begun to expand its collection of theses from colleges and universities in other English-speaking conutries.
Microform Publications currently has many international subscribers, but until now has included relatively few studies from abroad in the collection, which numbers almost 8,000 microforms and covers more than 40 years of graduate research in full text.
Microform Publications invites universities and professors from other English-speaking countries to submit their students' work in the form of abstracts. Masters theses and dissertations should relate to the allied areas of health, physical education, recreation, dance, exercise and sport sciences, sport history, and sport-related issues in the humanities and social sciences. There is no charge to the student or the university for inclusion in the collection.
More information about Microform Publications is available on the Internet at URL: darkwing.uoregon.edu/~hheiny
Those without Internet access may send e-mail enquiries to Microform Publications, Director, Henriette Heiny at:
Sport on the Internet
Andalucian Sports Institute (UNISPORT)
Jose Aquesolo writes:
Visit the ASI's WWW site at URL www.uida.es
You can read about the history of IASI and about the information resources at our centre. You can find out about the Grand-Dakar Rally, the Ski World Championship to be held in the Sierra Nevada in 1996, the Spanish Football League, basketball (NBA, Spanish ACB etc.), SIRC resources, the Atlanta Olympic Games and Sydney and Nagano Games; the Olympic Library in the Olympic Museum and much more. And you can practice your spanish at the same time! Enjoy your "virtual trip" to Malaga!
IASI Membership
The following is a list of members from the European region.
- Ost.Dokumentations und Informationszentrum fur
- Sportswissenschaften (ODISP)
- Mr.Heinz Ertl (Institutional Member)
- Universitats-Sportzentrum Schmelz Auf der Schmelz
- 6, A-1150 Vienna
- Tel: (+43) 222 98 22 661/134
- Fax:(+43) 222 98 22 661/131
- Administration d'Education Physique et des Sports
- Mr.Rene Hamaite (Institutional Member)
- Espace 27 septembre
- Boulevard Leopold II
- 44 B-1040 Brussels
- Tel: (+32) 2 413 22311
- "Sport for All"
- Clearing House
- Mr.Albert Remans (Institutional Member) [Address as above]
- Tel: (+32) 2 413 2893
- Fax: (+32) 2 413 2890
- Mrs.Jitka Berenkova (Institutional Member)
- Czech Union for Physical Education
- Mezy Stadiony, PS 40, 160 17 Praha 6 Strahov
- Tel: (+42) 2 35 77 98
- Fax: (+42) 2 35 30 07
- IC-UP - Information Centre
- Faculty of Physical Culture
- Mr.Krapka Milos (Institutional Member)
- Tr.Miru 115
- P.O.Box 77, 771 47, Olomouc
- Tel: (+42) 68 54 12 173/175
- Fax: (+42) 68 54 12 899
- Danmarks Hogskole for Legemsovelser
- Norre Alle 51
- DK - 2200 Kobenhavn
- (Institutional Member)
- Odense Universitetsbibliothek
- Mr.Christensen Ole (Institutional Member)
- Campusvej 55
- DK - 5230 Odense
- Finnish Society for Research in Physical Culture and Health
- Stadion, Torniporras (Institutional Member)
- FIN - 00250 Helsinki
- Tel: (+358) 0 444582
- Fax: (+352) 0 467 341
- University of Jyvaskyla
- Library
- Mrs.Mirja Laitinen (Institutional Member)
- P.O.Box 35
- Fin - 40351 Jyvaskyla
- Tel: (+358) 41 60 33 91
- Fax: (+358) 41 60 33 71
- LIKES Research Centre for Physical Culture and Health
- Information Service
- Mrs.Anita Palvimaki (Institutional Member)
- P.O.Box 35 FIN - 40351 Jyvaskyla
- Tel: (+358) 41 60 33 90
- Fax: (+358) 41 60 33 71
- Institut National du Sport et de l'Education Physique
- (INSEP), Service de Documentation
- Mr.Alain Poncet (Institutional Member)
- 11, Avenue du Tremblay
- F - 75012 Paris
- Tel: (+33) 1 43 74 11 21
- Fax: (+33) 1 43 74 54 11
- Bundesinstitut fur Sportwissenschaft (Bisp)
- Mr.Hans-Jurgen Muller (Institutional Member)
- Postfach 450249, Carl Diem Weg 4
- D - 50933 - Koln
- Tel: (+49) 221 49 79 141
- Fax: (+49) 221 49 51 64
- Institute for Applied Training Science
- Institute fur Angewandte Trainingwissenschafte
- Mr.Hartmut Sandner (Institutional Member)
- Marschnerstrasse, 29 D - 04109 Leipzig
- Tel: (+49) 341 49 45 133
- Fax: (+49) 341 49 45 400
- Deutsche Sporthochschule Zentralbibliothek der
- Sportwissenschaften
- Mr.Kh Lemke (Institutional Member)
- Carl Diem Weg 6, 50933 Koln
- Tel: (+49) 221 49 82-1
- Fax: (+49) 221 49 95-458
- National Sports Information Service
- National Coaching and Training Centre
- Mrs.Gobnait O'Riordan (Institutional Member)
- University of Limerick, Limerick
- Tel: (+353) 61 333 644
- Fax: (+353) 61 330 316
- Wingate Institute for Physical Education and Sport, Library
- Mrs.Ayala Maharik (Institutional Member)
- Netanya 42902
- Tel: (+972) 09 63 94 88
- Fax: (+972) 09 63 94 82
- CONI, Documentation and Information Division
- Mr.Bruno Rossi-Mori (Institutional Member)
- Foro Italico I - 00194 Rome
- Tel: (+39) 6 36 11 646/36 85 77 63
- Fax: (+39) 6 36 85 74 23
- CONI, School of Sport
- Centro di Documentazione Sportiva
- Mr.Maurizio Bruni (Institutional Member)
- Centro Sportivo "Giulio Onesti"
- Via dei Campi Sportivi, 48 I - 00197 Rome
- Tel: (+39) 6 36 85 92 42
- Fax: (+39) 6 36 85 91 31
- CONI, Sports Facilities Research Centre
- Mrs. Annamaria Ponci (Institutional Member)
- Via Leopoldo Franchetti
- 2 I - 00194 Rome
- Tel: (+39) 6 36 85 74 54/7752
- Fax: (+39) 6 36 85 76 48
- Camilli, Alessandro (Personal Member)
- Tel: (+39) 6 36 85 73 85
- Fax: (+39) 6 36 85 77 24
- CONI, Scuolla dello Sport
- Galletti, Claudia (Personal Member)
- Centro di Documentazione Sportiva
- Tel: (+39) 6 36 85 91 31
- Fax: (+39) 6 36 85 92 42
- CONI, Comitato Provinciale di Siracuse
- Madella, Alberto (Personal Member)
- Centro di Documentazione Sportiva
- Via di Villa Ortisi, 8,96100 - Siracusa
- Tel: (+39) 931 49 29 60
- Fax: (+39) 931 75 94 66
- CONI, Sports Facilities Research Centre
- Magni, Attilio (Personal Member)
- Tel: (+39) 6 36 85 74 54
- Fax: (+39) 6 36 85 76 481
- CONI, Documentation and Information Division
- Minelli, Donatella
- Tel: (+39) 6 36 11 646
- Fax: (+39) 6 36 85 74 23
- Latvian Academy of Sport Education
- Mrs.Irina Vasiljeva (Institutional Member)
- Brivibas Str.,333, Riga LV 1006
- Tel: (+371) 2 52 00 26
- fax: (+371) 7 82 13 95
- Latvian Sports Department
- Mrs.Agra Brune (Institutional Member)
- Ministry of Education and Science 4
- Terbatas Street LV - 1011 Riga
- Tel: (+371) 7 28 05 15
- Fax: (+371) 7 28 44 12
- Sports Information and Advanced Training Centre
- Mr.Zigmantas Motiekaitis (Institutional Member)
- Zemaites Street, 6 2675 Vilnius
- Tel: (+370) 2 63 43 10
- Fax: (+370) 2 63 74 31
- Institut National des Sports
- Ministere de l'Education Physique et des Sports
- Mr.Jean Krantz (Institutional Member)
- C.P. 180 2011 Luxembourg
- Tel: (+352) 43 10 14
- Fax: (+352) 43 45 99
- Nederlandse Sport Federatie (NSF)
- Nationale Sportbibliotheek
- Mrs.Minekus Laan van Poot (Institutional Member)
- 361 NL - 2566 DA, 's-Gravenhage
- Tel: (+31) 70 25 40 40
- Norges Idrettshogskole
- Norwegian University of Sport and Physical Education
- Mrs Anne-Mette Vibe (Institutional Member)
- Postboks 40
- Krinsja N - 0807 Oslo 8
- Tel: (+47) 22 18 56 00
- Fax: (+47) 22 23 42 20
- Centrum Informaji Naukowej
- Anna Skalowska-Wrzeszcz (Institutional Member)
- Ul Marymoncka 34#PL - 01-813 Warszawa
- Tel: (+48) 22 34 58 06
- Fax: (+48) 22 34 76 65
- State Committee of the Russian Federation for Physical Culture
- and Tourism
- Mr.Anatoly Issaev (Institutional Member)
- Kazakova Str. 18, 103064, Moscow
- Tel: (+7) 095 26 73 771
- Fax: (+7) 095 26 18 405
- Generalitat de Catalunya, Secretaria General de l'Esport
- Biblioteca de l'Esport
- Mrs.Maria Lluisa Berasategui (Institutional Member)
- Av.Paisos Catalans
- 12 E - 08950 - Esplugues de Llobregat
- Tel: (+34) 3 226 47 37/43 92
- Fax: (+34) 3 226 76 00
- Centre Nacional de Investigacion y Ciencias del Deporte
- (CNICD), Consejo Superior de Deportes
- Mrs.Erica Schwartz Santamaria (Institutional Member)
- c/del Greco, s/n E - 28040 - Madrid
- Tel: (+34) 1 589 05 15 or 589 68 81
- Fax: (+34) 1 544 81 22 or 543 72 90
- Institut Nacional d' Educacio Fisica de Catalunya
- Centre de Barcelona. Biblioteca
- Mr.Janvier Nieto Arroyo (Institutional Member)
- Avenida de l'Estadi, s/n, Anella Olympica de Montjuic E - 08038
- Barcelona
- Tel: (+34) 93 42 55 45
- Fax: (+34) 93 42 63 617
- Instituto Andaluz del Deporte
- Unisport, Junta de Andalucia
- Mr.Jose Antonio Aquesolo Vegas (Institutional Member)
- Ciudad Deportiva de Carranque Avda. Sta. Rosa de Lima
- s/n E - 29007 Malaga
- Tel: (+34) 52 28 22 66
- Fax: (+34) 52 39 70 66
- Universidad de Deusto
- ADOZ Centro de Documentacion en Ocio
- Mr.Onate Maiztegui (Institutional Member)
- Apartado 1 E - 48080 Bilbao
- Tel: (+34) 94 446 55 84
- Fax: (+34) 94 446 79 09
- Unisport, Junta de Andalucia
- Arjona, Patricia (Personal Member)
- Tel: (+34) 52 28 22 66
- Fax: (+34) 52 39 70 66
- Unisport, Junta de Andalucia
- Biedma Roldan, Yolanda (Personal Member)
- Tel: (+34) 52 28 22 66
- Fax: (+34) 52 39 70 66
- Generalitat de Catalunya
- Mugica, Albert (Personal Member)
- Secretaria General de l'Esport
- Tel: (+34) 93 371 90 11
- Fax: (+34) 93 372 01 84
- Generalitat de Catalunya
- Ricart, Francesc (Personal Member)
- Secretaria General de l'Esport
- Tel: (+34) 371 90 11
- Fax: (+34) 372 01 84
- Hogskolan I Orebro, Biblioteket
- Mrs.Gunilla Hammarland (Institutional Member)
- Box 923, 701 30 Orebro
- Idrottshogskolan i Stockholm, Biblioteket
- Mrs.Inger Ottander (Institutional Member)
- Box 5626, 11486 Stockholm
- Tel: (+46) 08 40 22 214
- Fax: (+46) 08 40 22 280
- Swiss Sport School Magglingen (SSSM), Library
- Mr.Marcus Kuffer (Institutional Member)
- CH - 2532 Magglingen
- Tel: (+41) 32 22 56 44
- Fax: (+41) 32 22 62 91
- International Olympic Committee (IOC)
- Mr.Karel Wendl (Institutional Member)
- Chateau de Vidy CH - 1007 - Lausanne
- Tel: (+41) 21 62 16 319
- Fax: (+41) 21 62 16 718
- Sports Council, Information Services
- Mrs.Sally Hall (Institutional Member)
- 16, Upper Woburn Place GB - London WC1H 0QP
- Tel: (+44) 171 388 1277
- Fax: (+44) 171 383 5740
- University of Birmingham, Main Library
- Centre for Sports Science and History
- Mr.Stephen Hewett (Institutional Member)
- Main Library, Edgbaston GB - Birmingham B15 2TT
- Tel: (+44) 121 414 5823
- Fax: (+44) 121 471 4691
- United Kingdom Sports Information Consortium
- Mrs.Carolynn Rankin (Institutional Member)
- c/o National Coaching Foundation
- 114, Cardigan Rd, Leeds LS6 3BJ
- Tel: (+44) 113 27 44 802
- Fax: (+44) 113 27 55 019
- Bailey, Stephen (Personal Member)
- Director of Physical Education
- Winchester College Hampshire SO23 9NA
A Lillehammer 1994 Olympics CD-ROM is now available. It is a report from the Games and contains results etc. For further information or orders, please contact:
- Nasjonalbibliotekavdelinga i Rana
- Pb.278 8601 Mo
- Norway
- Tel: (+47) 75 12 11 11
- Fax: (+47) 75 15 54 60
- Price 500 Nkr
New Address
The Norwegian University of Sport and Physical Education has new address.
It is: Postboks 4014 U.H. 0806 Oslo.
Forthcoming Conferences
ISHPES '97 - IVth Congress of the International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport Sport and Health in History 16-22 July 1997, Lyon, Rhone-Alpes, France.
The subjects to be discussed will attempt to establish the relation between sport (its physical, institutional, technical and symbolic aspects) and health in a historic perspective. Also to be developed are the topics: hygiene policy, medical reasons for exercising, scientific experiments on physical training, the history of doping, an analysis of the more or less difficult relations between athletes and doctors.
The Congress will be of interest to historians of sport and physical education as well as those people, (doctors, coaches etc.), seeking a historical dimension to their work.
Further details from: Secretariat du IVe congres ISHPES,Thierry Terret, CRIS - UFRAPS LYON, Universite Lyon I, 27/29 Bd du 11 novembre 1918, F-69622 VILLEURBANNE Cx, France
British Society of Sports History - 1996 Conference to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the modern Olympic Games. 13-14 April 1996. London School of Economics, Rosebery Hall, Rosebery Avenue, London EC1R 4TY
Topics; ancient and modern Olympics, Olympic games, Olympic Sports etc.
Details from: David Terry, 34, Windmill Hill, Ruislip, Middlesex HA4 8PX. United kingdom. Fax: (+44) 061 200 3265) 10th IASI CONGRESS, PARIS, 1997 Sports Information Without Frontiers.... 10-12 June 1997.
The second announcement and call for abstracts has now been mailed out. It gives further information about the topics of the congress and the structure of the programme as well as details of how to register.
The deadline for receipt of abstracts is 30 September 1996; for receipt of full texts: 31 March 1997 and the deadline for registration is 1 May 1997.
For a copy of the second announcement contact: Organizing Committee, 10th IASI Congress Paris, 11, avenue du Tremblay, 75012 - Paris. Fax: (+33) 1 48 08 19 60. Email:
SPORT-MED: New Electronic Mailing List
A new email list in sports medicine and exercise science. This list is managed by Mailbase UK to support research in all aspects of sports medicine, including exercise physiology, nutrition, injury rehabilitation, the use of performance-enhancing substances, and the impact of disease on work output. The mailbase system allows researchers and academics to communicate and collaborate using electronic mail.
For further information contact the List owner, Lesley Harrison, National Sports Medicine Institute, St.Bartholomew's Medical College, Charterhouse Square, London EC1M 6BQ. Fax: (+44) 0171 251 0583. Email:
New Publications
A comprehensive sports business source book, the 116 page directory, listing thousands of companies and individuals, is part of a strategy to encourage training and advance networking with Australian sports businesses, services, suppliers and professionals in the buildup to Sydney 2000.
For further details contact Phil Tripp, email: .auphone 61 2 212-6677; fax: (+61) 2 211- 5938.
The significance of sport for society - health, socialisation, economy. Council of Europe Publishing, 1995. ISBN: 92-871-2716-6. US$ 18.
Eurofit for adults - assessment of health-related fitness.Council of Europe Publishing, 1995. ISBN: 92-871-2765-4. US$ 15.
Orders to: Council of Europe Publishing, Council of Europe, F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex, France.
1996 IASI Meeting
Ayala Maharik will soon be sending IASI members a reminder about this year's meetings of the Consultative Forum and Executive Committee. Ayala has put a great deal of work into organising this event which includes three workshops covering sports information on the Internet, SPORT Discus and new technology in sports information. There will also be an interesting social programme. If you havent yet booked your place, please send off your registration form TODAY.
Accommodation is guaranteed only to those who submit their registration form BEFORE MARCH 10. After that date the organisers may not be able to provide accommodation due to strict demands made by the local hotels, (1996 is going to be an "all time record" of tourism in Israel!)