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International Association for Sports Information
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No 17, January 2000 ISSN 1561-1183 Table of Contents IASI is a non-profit making organisation whose aim is to stimulate, support and develop activities in the field of international documentation and information for physical education and sport. It brings together a worldwide network of scientists, documentalists, librarians, information experts and managers of sports information and documentation centres. In order to reflect worldwide developments in sport information the editor of the newsletter welcomes contributions from all countries in all languages. For contributions to the IASI Newsletter contact: Jill HaynesIASI Secretary now on the Internet contact: iasi.org IASI is pleased to advise that for the first time the IASI annual meeting will be held in South America. The meeting will be hosted by the Faculty of Physical Education of the University of Playa Ancha in Valparaiso/Vina del Mar, Chile. The dates for the meeting are Tuesday 11th April to Saturday 15th April 2000. It is extremely exciting for IASI to be holding its first meeting of the new century in a new continent and we are extremely grateful to Antonio Maurer Furst, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education at the University for his sponsorship of the meeting. Nerida Clarke, the current President of IASI has advised that she has resigned her position with the Australian Sports Commission and is taking up a new position outside of the field of sport information however she has indicated a willingness to stay on as President of IASI until the expiration of her term in 2001. The IASI Executive Committee will discuss this matter when it meets in Chile in April 2000. At this meeting preparations will begin for the IASI elections which will take place in Lausanne in 2001. Preparations are now well underway for the IASI World Congress with the 2nd announcement and the call for papers brochure having been prepared and distributed to some 3000 possible attendees. IASI members are encouraged to complete the preliminary registration form and the call for papers form as soon as possible to assist in the planning of the Congress. Nuria Puig of the IOC has done an excellent job in finalising the brochure and arranging the distribution. If members would like additional copies of the brochure please contact: IASI Congress Secretariat Dr. Hartmut Sandner of the Information Documention Sport Department Institute for Applied Training Science Leipzig (Germany) has advised that a new database has been developed by his Department. The database is called sponet.de and can be found on the Internet at: http://www.sponet.de The database contains more than 2000 sport and sport scientific WWW resources. It is intended to make the access to such resources easier and more effective for all people interested in sport science and primarily in training science. To find resources several options have been made available:
All these search tools are available in German and English. The database is continuously extended and is considered to be an addition to the already existing ways to identify information in electronic library catalogues or electronic databases. As far as we know sponet.de offers really a new way to find relevant WWW resources. All resources are evaluated, indexed and first then input into the database by an experienced team of indexers having done index work for more than 15 years. We invite all of you to visit the sponet.de site, to search it and to consider contributing to it with new or until now not yet input WWW resources. All hints are very welcome and we are ready and willing to introduce all interesting new resources as soon as possible to make them available to the international sport scientific community. Dr. Hartmut Sandner Report on the Joint Conference of the International Association of Sport Museums and Halls of Fame And the North American Sport Library Network Lake Placid, NY October 27-30, 1999 Feedback from participants of the first Joint Conference of IASMHF and NASLIN has been most positive. Many sessions had strong participation from members of both organizations, especially the NASLIN session on Photo Collections and Website: To Digitize or Not to Digitize. This session featured James Gates, Library Director, National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum and the co-speaker, Douglas Stark, Archivist/Librarian, Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame and Museum. Agnes Croxford, Managing Director of the Leisure Information Network in Toronto demonstrated the flexibility and scope of the LIN database. Baseball book author, Joe Wallace, recounted his experiences using various archival collections and provided librarians/archivists and museum professionals with the most important institutional conditions which assist the avid archives researcher. Kent State University Reference Librarian, Kara Robinson discussed her varied experiences as moderator of three lists/e-conferences supplying much needed advice on the pitfalls one can encounter. A corporate-based speaker, Jeff Moyer from Bell & Howell Learning Inc (formerly UMI) afforded a look into the future of large digitized, historical research collections outlining the work being done presently at BHL. The three days in Lake Placid were not all work, work, work. Social events provided a wonderful setting for members to intermingle and discuss topics of mutual concern. On Friday afternoon, after tours of the Lake Placid Olympic Training Centre, tryouts were held on the temporary luge track and a few daring NASLIN members demonstrated their skills on the luge sled. Much fun was had by all. At the Saturday afternoon meeting of the NASLIN Steering Committee, Gretchen Ghent was re-elected Chair (to 2001), and 7 Steering Committee members have their term extended to 2001 also. They are: The Steering Committee accepted the resignation from Jan Todd and thanked her for her participation on the NASLIN Steering Committee. The 8th Conference of NASLIN is slated for August 10-11, 2001 hosted by NASLIN Steering Committee member Cindy Romaine and her employer, Nike Inc at the Nike campus in Beaverton, Oregon. Discussions are underway for 2002 and there is a possibility that the 9th conference will be a joint IASMHF/NASLIN conference held in Calgary, late October 2002. As members of IASI will be aware IASI has had a long and fruitful relationship with the International Council for Sports Sciences and Physical Education (ICSSPE). Currently Albert Remans the Secretary General of IASI represents IASI on the ICSSPE Editorial Board and on the Member of Association's Board of ICSSPE. IASI is currently collaborating with ICSSPE on a number of projects including the facilitation and running of the Internet Café at the Pre-Olympic Scientific Congress to be held the week before the start of the Olympic Games in the city of Brisbane, Australia. IASI has also been asked to participate in the production of a volume of ICSSPE's Perspectives serial publication on sport information and technology which will commence production after the Olympic Games. A major sport information initiative put forward to the ICSSPE Board for consideration by IASI, in cooperation with IASI member SIRC (Sport Information Resource Centre - Canada) was the proposal to have a representative of an organisation affiliated with ICSSPE provide a critique/evaluation of recent articles that have been added to the SPORTDiscus data base on that particular subject or discipline. The critique or evaluation would rate the articles for the benefit of those searchers of the database that are looking for useful material to read as "the best place to start to gain in-depth information " on a certain topic. SIRC would modify records on the SPORTDiscus to include the evaluation material and on the SPORTQuest Internet site a page entitled "ICSSPE Recommends" would be established listing the chosen articles along with the evaluation . The ICSSPE Editorial Committee at its last meeting in Sao Paulo considered this to be a worthwhile project and recommended the project to the ICSSPE Executive Committee who agreed to undertake the project for a six month trial period once an organisation had been found from the ICSSPE membership to undertake the trial. This project is an example of the way in which IASI through its members (in this case SIRC) can work with ICSSPE to facilitate greater access to quality sport information. More and more IASI members are gaining access to the Internet and are finding the IASI Listserv as an excellent means of sharing sport information. Ayala Maharik from the Wingate Institute who administers the listserv reports that the list now has 144 members from 37 countries. If you are a list member and wish to write a letter to the list, all you have to do is send an email to the following address: IASI-L@VM.TAU.AC.IL If you are NOT a list member and wish to become one, then please email to: LISTSERV@VM.TAU.AC.IL Leave the "Subject" line empty. Write "subscribe iasi-l" at the message area If you have any difficulty with the list then please contact Ayala Maharik at Advertisements can be placed in the IASI Newsletter at a cost of US$50.00 for a full A4 page or Contact the Editor of the Newsletter if you wish to place an advertisement.
Copyright 1997-2002 International Association for Sports Information Design and hosting support services are provided by SIRC (http://www.sirc.ca) Website content updates: Gretchen Ghent, Website technical problems: Susan Duncan, |