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International Association for Sports Information
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No 15, June 1999 Table of Contents IASI is a non-profit making organisation whose aim is to stimulate, support and develop activities in the field of international documentation and information for physical education and sport. It brings together a world-wide network of scientists, documentalists, librarians, information experts and managers of sports information and documentation centres. In order to reflect worldwide developments in sport information the editor of the newsletter welcomes contributions from all countries in all languages. For contributions to the IASI Newsletter contact: IASI Secretary now on the Internet contact: IASI held its Annual Meeting in Los Angeles between 19-22 March 1999 which was attended by 40 IASI members. The meeting was hosted by the Los Angeles Amateur Athletic Foundation in its elegant headquarters. Wayne Wilson our IASI colleague and Director of the LAAAF Research and Information service and his staff did a fantastic job in organising the meeting schedules, in arranging fantastic breakfasts and lunches and in putting on a great social program which included a visit to the Getty Museum. Participants at the meeting were fortunate also to have the opportunity to see first hand the operation of the LAAAF Research and Information Centre which is a world-leader in the collection and dissemination of Olympic information. On 31 of May Mr Alain Poncet met with Mr Fekrou Kidane of the IOC and his assistant Sylvie Espagnac in Lausanne. And presented the texts of the IASI Sport Information manual in English and French. Mr Kidane has also agreed to publish a Spanish version of the manual which is being prepared by Jose Antonio Vegas so the 3 versions of the manual will be published at the same time before the end of this year. Each IASI member will receive free of charge a copy of the manual. A number of contributors have worked very hard to prepare and to translate the Manual and Alain Poncet has put an enormous amount of time into the editing of the Manual. IASI thanks all those people for their contribution. As IASI members will be aware the 2001 IASI World Congress on Sport Information will be held in Lausanne in April 2001. The Congress will be hosted by the International Olympic Committee and the University of Lausanne. IASI was fortunate to have Ms Nuria Puig and Francois Schenk of theUniversity of Lausanne attend the Los Angeles meeting to give an update on preparations for the Congress and to meet with the Congress Program Committee which was established during the LA Meeting. Preparations are well underway for the Congress and the first brochure has been mailed. At the IASI meeting held in Los Angeles in March 1999 a Program Committee was selected to organise the 11th IASI World Congress to be held in Lausanne, April 2001. The Program Committee consists of IASI representatives as the Chair, and for each of the five themes of the Congress; Alain Poncet as the Chair of the previous Congress, and representatives of the IOC, University of Lausanne and Macolin: Program Committee Chair: Bruno Rossi-Mori (CONI) (Chair) The Committee is represented by IASI members from five regions, making regular face to face meetings very difficult. Fortunately, since the Paris Congress we have witnessed rapid changes in information technology, enabling regular communication with all Committee members via email. The Committee is currently working on the format and structure of the sessions, and on identifying potential speakers for the plenary sessions. The suggestions made in the questionnaires following the Paris Congress will be taken into consideration of the planning of the 2001 Congress. The first formal meeting of the Program Committee was held on the 1st of June in Lausanne. Copies of the first announcement brochure are available from: Nuria Puig IASI members are encouraged to distribute these brochures widely and to provide Nuria with addresses of individuals and organisations who should receive copies of the Congress announcements. For the past few months the Under-secretariat for sports in Greece has developed its own web site on the Internet www.sport.gov.gr/ where information can be found on sports in Greece and abroad. The first online activity with the site began with the 1st European Conference on Sports, 20th - 23rd of May in Ancient Olympia, Greece where those following the conference on the Internet had the possibility of participation by e-mailing their views. The Sports Library (Biblioteca de l'Esport, Barcelona-Spain) has now had a web page for more than a year however this site is now available in Spanish and in English. The site contains a number of links and details the services of the Library. The information is updated periodically by the addition of new monthly acquisitions and the addition of links. The Library is working on incorporating more products. Shortly the site will offer the ability to consult the periodicals catalogue with details on holdings. Maria Luisa Berasategui cultura.gencat.es/esport/biblio At the Los Angeles meeting of IASI the Executive Committee agreed that IASI should not conduct a formal session at the Congress but should suggest to the organisers that IASI run an Internet Café at the Congress where delegates could access the Internet and attend timetabled sessions where IASI could educate delegates about sport resources on the Internet, demonstrate the SPORT data base and explain the role of IASI in sport information. The organising committee has accepted this suggestion and Nerida Clarke has begun working with the organising committee to put the Internet Café in place. Martin Scarrott, Subject librarian for Leisure & Tourism, University of North London and Publicity Officer of the UK sport information group SPRIG has recently published a book entitled: Sport, Leisure and Tourism Information Sources: A guide for researchers This book: Explains how to use key information sources and access tools in clear jargon free language Sport, Leisure and Tourism Information Sources is a practical guide to finding information, encouraging readers to make active use of libraries in their research. This book provides readers with an understanding of the major information search tools which are available. It is a starting point in the search for information which offers advice and indicates some of the major sources which are available. Sport, Leisure and Tourism Information Sources is aimed primarily at final year undergraduate and postgraduate students who are preparing a dissertation in the area of sport and leisure studies who need access to information sources. It is also ideal for academics for teaching purposes and practitioners in the sport and leisure industry needing to undertake research. For more information contact: The European Network of Sport Sciences in Higher Education (ENSSHE), which is closely associated with IASI, will organise its 5th Biennial Forum: "Sport Policy for the Future : Education and Employment", from 3 to 6 September 1999 in Jyvaskyla Finland, involving European Universities, Institutes of Sport and Sport Federations At this forum a specific workshop will be set up to gather together people from IASI and ENSSHE networks. The goal of this workshop is to present and debate a new communication plan aimed at promoting a wider diffusion of the information within ENSSHE and an improvement of its production and treatment. The title of the workshop will be "Improving the quality and the diffusion of ENSSHE information: a communication plan in the framework of the IASI-ENSSHE partnership". The workshop will be lead by Alain Poncet, IASI Vice-president for Europe. Alberto Madella and Anitta Palvimaki will collaborate as technical experts. It will illustrate the role and the interest of IASI in the project and the past results of the IASI-ENSSHE cooperation will be outlined. In particular, the results of the inquiry on the Information Technologies available in the organizations belonging to ENSSHE, done by Alberto Madella at the end of 1998, will be presented. One of the main goals of this workshop is to define the tasks of the new IASI-ENSSHE pilot group. In the medium term, this pilot group will co-operate towards the building of a real network of sport information managers in all the organizations of the Network. At this moment, about ten people because of their common membership of our two networks, have been called upon to take part in this think tank. Everybody concerned with this project is warmly invited to come to the Forum. Contact for the workshop: Contact for the 5th ENSSHE Forum : As members of IASI will know IASI and the Canadian Sport Information Resource Centre have had a long and fruitful relationship since 1975 when SIRC's SPORT data base was adopted as the international English language data base for sport by UNESCO. Recently Gilles Chiasson stood down as the President of SIRC and his position has been taken by Debra Gassewitz. In order to get to know Debra and to hear her views on the future of the SIRC/IASI relationship Nerida Clarke (IASI President), Albert Remans (IASI Secretary) and Alain Poncet (IASI European Vice President) travelled to Ottawa prior to the Los Angeles IASI Annual Meeting to meet with Debra and SIRC staff. At the conclusion of this meeting Debra wrote to IASI (18 March 1999) stating that: The IASI Executive Committee had a number of discussions regarding the SIRC/IASI relationship and was pleased to have Jean-Michel Johnson of SIRC present at the Los Angeles meeting to update members of current initiatives within SIRC in regard to the data base and sport information management in general. The Executive Committee recognising that the SIRC/IASI Agreement is now out of date decided to establish an ad hoc Working Group to revise the IASI/SIRC Agreement. Members of the ad hoc Working Group will be: Jean Michel Johnson (SIRC), Ms Anne-Mette Vibe (Norway), Ms Jill Haynes (Australia), Mr Jose Antonio Aquesolo Vegas (Spain), Mr Wayne Wilson (AAFLA USA) Ms Nerida Clarke (IASI President). In the future Jean-Michel Johnson will become the liaison person between SIRC and IASI. Jean-Michel is already working hard on the update of the IASI website which is hosted by SIRC. At the IASI Executive Committee it was unanimously agreed that Gilles Chiasson should be awarded the status of IASI Honorary Member. As the past President of IASI Gilles made an outstanding contribution to IASI and to the global management of sport information. Particularly through his efforts to establish and develop the SPORT database. In 1998 the IASI Executive Committee agreed to hold the 2000 Annual Meeting in Santiago Chile under the organisation of the Chile Olympic Committee. However the 1999 meeting was informed that the National Olympic Committee of Chile due to unforseen circumstances could not host the meeting but had arranged to have the meeting organised and hosted by the University of Playa Ancha and the Metropolitan University of Sciences of Education in Valparaiso Chile. An excellent proposal was tabled from the University of Playa Ancha. This proposal was supported by Mr Jose Antonio Aquesolo and Beatriz Barbera who informed the meeting that that this University is a member of SportCom and has an excellent capability to hold the meeting. The meeting is currently scheduled for 10-16 April 2000 however these dates are to be confirmed. The Asian Sport Information Association (Preparatory Committee) has been formed and has produced its first Bulletin . The Bulletin is to be published twice a year by the Hong Kong Sports Development Board which serves as the Secretariat for A.S.I.A. The Bulletin is to be distributed to Olympic Committees, Asian IASI members, key officials, universities and teaching institutions. The IASI Executive Committee has agreed to provide $US 500 towards the production and distribution of the Bulletin. An electronic copy of the Bulletin will be distributed to the IASI Listserv and it will be accessible from the IASI Internet site. More and more IASI members are gaining access to the Internet and are finding the IASI Listserv as an excellent means of sharing sport information. Ayala Maharik from the Wingate Institute who administers the listserv reports that the list now has 144 members from 37 countries. If you are a list member and wish to write a letter to the list, all you have to do is send an email to the following address: IASI-L@VM.TAU.AC.IL If you are NOT a list member and wish to become one, then please email to: LISTSERV@VM.TAU.AC.IL Leave the "Subject" line empty. If you have any difficulty with the list then please contact: Ayala Maharik Advertisements can be placed in the IASI Newsletter at a cost of: Contact the Editor of the Newsletter if you wish to place an advertisement.
Copyright 1997-2002 International Association for Sports Information Design and hosting support services are provided by SIRC (http://www.sirc.ca) Website content updates: Gretchen Ghent, Website technical problems: Susan Duncan, |