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International Association for Sports Information
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No 14, December 1998 Table of Contents IASI is a non-profit making organisation whose aim is to stimulate, support and develop activities in the field of international documentation and information for physical education and sport. It brings together a world-wide network of cientists, documentalists, librarians, information experts and managers of sports information and documentation centres. In order to reflect worldwide developments in sport information the editor of the newsletter welcomes contributions from all countries in all languages. For contributions to the IASI Newsletter contact: IASI Secretariat The 1999 IASI Annual Meeting and Forum will be held at the Amateur Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles 2141 W. Adams Blvd Los Angeles California 90018 USA from March 19-23 1999. The Program for the meeting will be:
Hotel accomodation has been arranged at: Bay View Plaza Hotel Reservations must be made directly with the hotel by 18 February 1999. Quote the IASI rate when booking. The rates are US$125 for single or double room (plus tax) and US$135 for triple occupancy. Ground Transportation The Foundation will provide transportation for Presidium members. For others they are working on providing low cost transportation between the airport and hotel. Details will be provided later. Meals REGISTRATION DEADLINE We are looking forward to seeing you in Los Angeles for the meetings. It will also be a great opportunity for IASI members to see the Amateur Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles which is carrying out exciting initiatives in sport information. On the 16th and 17th October 1998 a meeting of the Sport Information Officers of the Council of Europe (Committee for the Development of Sport) (SIONET) was held in Budapest at the Hungarian Office for Physical Education and Sport. 36 persons attended the meeting from 24 member states, this shows the importance that Council of Europe countries place on the sports information network Since the 1995 meeting in Strasbourg new countries have joined the Council of Europe and many of the sports information representatives have changed. As a result of this it was decided that the meeting should have the following three aims
As a result of the discussions during the meeting new and existing sport information officers are enthusiastic about fulfilling their roles as SIOs providing information to, and disseminating information from the CDDS. After some examples of good practice on a national level (Italy, Finland Germany) discussions dealt with permanent and specific topics which constitute the basis of the SIOs work on the collection of information. Among them: Sports Structures of Europe, development of sports policies (Sports, sport and ethics, women and sport), The European Charter on Sports (fight against violence, fight against doping, fight against discrimination, development of sporting activity, environmental protection...) Albert Remans IASI Secretary (Director of the Clearinghouse in Brussels) is able to provide those interested with a full list of topics covered as Albert is responsible for the dissemination of information in relation to this meeting. The third part of the meeting dealt with the use of information technology and more importantly with the implementation of the World Wide Web site at the Clearinghouse. Designed as an information tool and as a resource centre the site will be structured under 6 headings (products and services, sports organisation in Europe, The Clearing House, practical information, research on sport, topics on sporting policy). The site is programmed to be launched at the end of January 1999. The SIO's showed their interest on the use of the Internet but are aware of the present disparity among European countries in respect of access to electronic information. Therefore it was recommended that there be the maintenance of traditional information dissemination methods as well as electronic sources to ensure equity of access to information among member states. The meeting concluded with a resolution to hold a SIONET meeting at least every 2 years. Further information about the meeting can be gained from the IASI Secretariat. As a result of the meeting there a number of reports of interesting activities in relation to sport information in a variety of countries in Europe. These reports should be of interest to all IASI meetings particularly when it is not always possible at IASI meetings to have full reports of all participating countries. Where possible these reports will be published in the IASI Newsletter over the next few issues. Hadwig Blum, who has just become the Sports information Officer for Austria. presented the following report to the SIONET meeting on sport information in Austria. There are only two important information centres in Austria. These are described below: AUSTRIAN DOCUMENTATION AND INFORMATION CENTRE FOR SPORT SCIENCES - ODISP http://www.univie.ac.at/sportwissenschaften/oedisp/index.html ODISP is a comprehensive literature database The SPOLIT database (more than 100,000 entries) of the Federal Institute for Sport Sciences in Cologne is a literature service which comprises all areas of sport and sport science. It contains references to documents related to scientific, practice-oriented and methodical aspects of sports. On the basis of a user profile (list of key words), the user is provided with information on books and periodicals (bibliographic data including name of author, title, place of publication, publisher, other descriptors and, in some cases, a synopsis of the content). Information on the literature from 1974 to the present may be obtained by using the retrospective inquiry function. More detailed information is provided by a synoptic summary of the most important facts and features. Original articles (technical term: primary documents) requested by users can be procured by the library that is associated with the documentation service. In addition, ODISP also maintains a project documentation service covering all ongoing sports research projects and studies in the German-speaking countries. The SPORTS LIBRARY comprises approx. 65,000 volumes covering all relevant areas of sports from training methods to sports medicine, from sports pedagogics to biomechanics. In addition, the library features 250 current sport magazines and periodicals. Starting in 1996, the library's most recent literature is also entered into Austria's largest scientific library system, BIBOS, and is available online, e.g. via the lnternet at the following address: http.//www.bibopac.univie.ac.at Users also have access to the Austrian Standard Keyword File and the Austrian Periodical Database (OZDB) which is an indispensable and useful tool for the retrieval of relevant works in the field of sports science. Other services offered by the library include: lists of authors and keywords providing information on the available stocks; Perusal of requested literature is possible either on the library premises or at home (time-limit 14 days); national and international procurement service if the requested book is not available at the library. Contact: Dr Rudolf Mullner Austrian SportsNet: www.asn.or.at Since early 1997 the Austrian SportsNet (ASN) is available on the Internet. The Austrian Federal Sport Organisation and a large number of sport associations use the medium for self representation, membership information, marketing activities and publicity measures. The basic structure of ASN Central ASN homepage: www.asn.or.at When accessing the database at the above address, users first get to the core (homepage) of ASN, from where they can reach the sites of individual associations via several links or key pages (e.g., Directory). The "7 pillars of ASN" on the ASN homepage facilitate the retrieval of individual associations for "Internet surfers":
Contact: As you could find in the description about the Austrian SportsNet, there is already a website www.asn.or.at with links to all non-governmental and private sports authorities in Austria. Unfortunately this information is only in the German language. If you would like to know more about this, then please don't hesitate to contact me. Hadwig Blum Major National Sports Information Centres for Flanders Belgium as reported to the SIONET Meeting 1998. 1. Library of the Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy (F.L.O.K.) Mission Services offered
Target and/or user groups: Use of modem technology Contact Information 2. Higher Institute for Physical Education, State University of Gent (HILO-RG) Mission Services offered
Target groups and users: Use of modem technology Contact information: 3. Documentation Service of the Institute for Sports Policy and Recreation Management (ISB) Mission Services offered
Target groups and users: Use of modern technology Contact Details: 4. The Sporta Library Mission There is no lending service. Services offered Use of modem technology Contact details: The first announcement of the 2000 Pre-Olympic Congress (International Congress on Sport Science , Sports Medicine and Physical Education) has been made. The Congress will be held in Brisbane Australia 7-13 September 2000. The Congress is officially endorsed by the IOC and UNESCO and will be presented by ICSSPE and sports Medicine Australia,IASI is having discussions with the Congress organisers re the inclusion of appropriate sport information sessions and an IASI presence at the Congress. Further details will be provided to IASI members as the Congress program is formulated. Francoise Zweifel Secretary General of the IOC has been appointed as Director of the Olympic Museum replacing Mr Benoit de Chassey Alain Poncet has advised that new email address: Marion Fournier of SIRC has resigned to take up new interests outside of sport information. Marion was well known to IASI members for her work in relation to indexing for the SPORT/IASI data base and she will be sadly missed in the world of sport information. A new (and very special) book is now available from the Wingate Institute. It is a publication written by international experts in memory of a young athlete. Science and practice of canoe/kayak high-performance training. Selected articles in memory of Junior World Champion Nevo Eitan. Editor: Vladimir Issurin. Published by the Elite Sport Department of Israel at the Wingate Institute for Physical Education and Sport. 1998. The price is US$15.plus US$5(p+p). Please send orders ONLY TO: SYDNEY 2000 PARALYMPICS The organising committee for the Sydney 2000 Paralympics which will be held from 18-29 October 2000 has launched a new web site. The address is: www.sydney.olympic.org/paralympic_index.html The Asian Games being held from 6-20 December 1998 in Thailand has an excellent Internet site with full results of all events. The address is: In November 1998 the IASI Secretary and the IASI Vice-President for Europe met with the IOC and the University of Lausanne to begin preparations for the 2001 IASI Congress. The Congress Title will be "Sports Information in the 3rd Millennium". 11th world congress of IASI.
The Congress Objectives and Themes are: At the start of the third millennium, the IASI Congress will be the first international gathering of the 21st century for all those involved in sports information and documentation (sports information and documentation centres, sports libraries, research and study centres specializing in sport and Olympism, Olympic academies, etc.). The principal objectives of this global forum, which will be taking place at the nerve centre of the Olympic Movement, are as follows: to develop international cooperation and understanding on information flow and work sharing between information professionals and users of the world-wide network of documentation related to sport, physical activity and Olympism. to develop international cooperation and understanding on information flow and to facilitate scientific and technical exchanges related to sports information between countries, institutions and individuals and to organize shared and separate procedures for following developments in technology. Related to these objectives the principal themes to be analysed in the Congress would be as follows:
The details of these themes will be finalised by the Program Committee. Advertisements can be placed in the IASI Newsletter at a cost of: Contact the Editor of the Newsletter if you wish to place an advertisement.
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