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International Association for Sports Information
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No 10, December 1997 Table of Contents IASI is a non-profit making organisation whose aim is to stimulate, support and develop activities in the field of international documentation and information for physical education and sport. It brings together a world-wide network of scientists, documentalists, librarians, information experts and managers of sports information and documentation centres. In order to reflect worldwide developments in sport information the editor of the newsletter welcomes contributions from all countries in all languages.
IASI is pleased to announce that the office of the Secretary is now online. Members are encouraged to communicate with the Secretary Mr Albert Remans by email. The address is: 24-25 OCTOBER 1997 The attractive facilities of the Amateur Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles and marvelous Southern California weather provided a splendid atmosphere for the assembled conference participants at the 6th Conference of NASLIN. The conference talks focused on technological innovations, services on the Internet and sport-related research. The program also included a tour of the Paul Ziffren Sports Resource Center (AAFLA library) and the Sports Department of the Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL). The LAPL has significant sport holdings from the late 19th century to date. The LAPL library online catalogue can be accessed on the internet at: http://www.lapl.org Plans are underway in the next few months to write abrief synopsis of the papers and presentations of the 6th NASLIN conference. This synopsis will be sent to participants and posted on the IASI listserv. NASLIN STEERING COMMITTEE 1997-1999 Two founding members of NASLIN, Wayne Wilson, AAFLA and Cindy Slater, USOC Library resigned from the NASLIN Steering Committee. They will be missed by all for they contributed thoughtful leadership and fellowship over the past 8 years. The Steering Committee re-elected Gretchen Ghent as Chair and elected three new Steering Committee members (indicated by *). The following persons constitute the 1997-1999 Steering Committee: Steve Gietschier, The Sporting News NASLIN Treasurer Other decisions of the Steering Committee included the publication strategy for NASLINE, the newsletter. This newsletter will be issued in electronic format only and archived at the Sport Information Resource Centre web site. The newsletter will be published two times a year in February and September. AMATEUR ATHLETIC FOUNDATION OF LOS ANGELES, PAUL ZIFFREN SPORTS RESOURCE CENTER During the tour of AAFLA's library, Wayne Wilson, VP Research, announced that plans are underway for AAFLA's online catalogue to be made available via the Internet. Mr. Wilson expects that testing should be complete by December. Look for further information and the web address on the IASI listserv. Another project of considerable interest emanating from the AAFLA library is full text access to the Official Reports of the 1932 and 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games. The plan is to scan these Official Reports and make them available in full text as they appeared in print. Another exciting aspect is that the contents will be searchable by key word. AAFLA is utilizing the services of Glyphica in Mountain View, California. This company employs two software packages called Acrobat and Adobe's Capture to produce a visually accurate product with searchable text. This project should be completed in the next few months and mounted on AAFLA's web site: http://www.aafla.com.
This company recently produced a CD-ROM called International Travel and Tourism (T&T) which included the US Bureau of Transportation Statistics, UN, World Tourism Organisation and other statistics. This CD contains 10,000 statistical tables, is multilingual and fully searchable).
Congress Proceedings The Proceedings of the IASI Congress have proved to be a valuable resource for the sport information community and there are still copies available for purchase. If you wish to purchase copies of the Proceedings of the very successful 10th IASI Scientific Congress send 350 French Francs (prepayment required) to:
Payment can be made by: Congress Evaluation Recently the IASI Secretary asked those who attended the IASI Congress in Paris in June to submit an evaluation form. Members are encouraged to complete this form as it will help the organisers of future IASI Congresses to make them even more successful than our last one. Mr Jose Antonio Aquesolo IASI member and Director of the SPORTCOM network for sport information in Latin America reports that there was great success with SPORTCOM 1997 recently held in Columbia. The following key developments from SPORTCOM should be noted:
As it has been doing since 1993, when it set up the Latin-American Network for Sport Documentation, the Andalusian Institute of Sport, at the time called Unisport, announced the 3rd LATIN-AMERICAN COURSE ON SPORT DOCUMENTATION, this time focusing on the subject "Direction and Management Techniques for Sport Documentation Centres". This 45 hour course was held in Colombia, thanks to the kind offer of the Institute of Physical Education and Sports of the University of Antioquia, one of the most renowned and active centres in the field of Sport Documentation within Latin-America. Over 100 participants attended the course. This 3rd Course was under the direction of José Aquesolo, the director of the Network, and it was addressed to all documentalists and librarians of the centres belonging to SPORTCOM, up to a maximum of 33 participants. Among the invited experts was Pilar Iruretagoyena, from the University Carlos III of Madrid, Patricia Arjona, manager of the IAD's computer area, Carmen Moreno, librarian of the IAD and Jesús Roca, director of the IAD's area of Certifications and Training and several other management and direction experts. The course contents included documentary analysis and retrieval, computer science applied to documentary management, information sources and resources on the Internet, management and direction systems, and marketing and communication of sport documentation centres. Several months before, the Director of the Institute, Rodrigo Arboleda, had visited the IAD's headquarters in Málaga and reached a cooperation agreement which might stretch out well beyond the field of sport documentation. One of the outcomes of those conversations was the decision of the IAD's Director, Juan de la Cruz Vázquez, to add to the SPORTCOM program a new activity, addressed to sport leaders and technical staff, club managers, politicians responsible for sport in Latin-America, based on the long-lasting tradition of the IAD, since 1984, in the field of training. Thus, the 1st LATIN-AMERICAN COURSE ON SPORTS DIRECTION was held with its main theme "Sport organization, leadership, sponsorship and marketing". SIRC GIVES FREE REFERENCE TOOLS TO TEACHERS The Canadian Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC) recognizes that teachers have limited preparation time to develop new and varied teaching curriculums. To assist teachers, SIRC is posting over 200 free titles to documents describing physical education programs on its Website at http://www.sportquest.com Governments, teachers and parents alike share the common goal to provide high quality education to children. Child physical and mental development are critical at both the elementary and secondary school levels. Teaching Physical Education is more than supervising physical activity. Teachers need to create various strategies to develop motor skills, enhance attitudes of self confidence, team building and cooperation, promote safety and injury prevention and contribute to the life skills required to succeed in today's fast paced environment. "If we keep the goal of high quality education in mind, our children will see the benefits" said Gilles Chiasson, President of SIRC. SPORTDiscus is a comprehensive bibliographic database of all sport and fitness related material. To enable teachers to spend more time teaching, the focus must be to provide the necessary resources to ensure high quality education. Within the database, users will find over 400,000 title references to sport and fitness covering topics such as physical education curriculums, sport safety, academic achievement and physical education. SIRC is committed to promoting proper physical development and encouraging participation in sports and/or fitness activities. Over 200 references to physical education programs in the elementary and secondary school can be viewed by teachers, parents and any other interested parties at http://www.sportquest.com Topics range from teaching methods to curriculum development. Sample titles include: Fair play in the gymnasium: improving social skills among elementary school students. Solomon, G.B. JOPERD The journal of physical education, recreation & dance (Reston, Va.) 68(5), May/June 1997, 22-25. Physical activity ideas for action: secondary level. Allen, L. Champaign, Ill.: Human Kinetics Publishers, c1997. Of particular interest, p. 57-75, chapter on Physical Education in the 21st Century. Differences between experienced and inexperienced physical education teachers' augmented feedback and interactive teaching decisions. Tan, S.K.S. Journal of teaching in physical education (Champaign, Ill.) 15(2), Jan 1996, 151-170. Teachers will benefit from the free of charge listings on SPORTQuest by having easy access to resources that will help them develop varied and strategic programs for physical education. Photocopies of documents listed on SPORTQuest are available from SIRC. Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC), the world leader in identifying and disseminating sport information, is a non-profit organization which serves the sporting, academic, medical and corporate community. Products and services available from SIRC include SPORTQuest (the award winning Web site for sport information), SPORTDiscus and SPORTExpress (a document delivery service). SPORTDiscus is distributed in Canada by MicroMedia. For more information please contact: SPORTQUEST RECOGNIZED AS THE BEST SPORT INFORMATION WEB SITE. Three new international awards have been won by the Canadian Sport Information Resource Centre's (SIRC) SPORTQuest Internet site. http://www.sportquest.com) These awards are Lycos Top 5%, Snap Online Best of the Web and SearchPoint "cool site" award. Created by the Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC), SPORTQuest is a directory of sport sites and offers a virtual library of sport and fitness information. SPORTQuest is the web site created by SIRC to service coaches, athletes, teachers, students, parents and general fitness enthusiasts. This free directory of sport sites offers an array of resources for training, sport conferences, sports science and medicine, amateur and professional sports, statistics and results, news... the list is endless. While the site offers pointers to popular sports like football, hockey and figure skating, it proves especially worthwhile if your favorite athletic endeavor is beyond the main stream. "Fitness and sport are a part of everyone's life and our expert indexers have tried to provide the most comprehensive sport resource available on the Web today" said Gilles Chiasson, President SIRC. By visiting SPORTQuest, the user can find the answer to virtually any question either from on-site information provided by SIRC or through more than 14,000 site links to other sport and fitness sites. Visitors to SPORTQuest can easily search for information by using the predefined pop-up category index, choosing from one of 88 different sports listed or inputting any sport topic in the search menu. Anything from tennis elbow to visualization or even Ultimate Frisbee, will produce results. SPORTQuest is the virtual library of sport and fitness information. To quote the editors from the Lycos Top 5% award "we defy you to come up with a sports topic not addressed here." Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC), the world leader in identifying and disseminating sport information, is a non-profit organization which serves the sporting, academic, medical and corporate community. Products and services available from SIRC include SPORTQuest, SPORTDiscus (a comprehensive bibliographic database of all sport related material) and SPORTExpress (a document delivery service). For more information please contact: ENGLISH SPORTS COUNCIL WEB SITE Sally Hall has advised that the English Sports Council now has a web site.The address is http://www.sportengland.org. At the moment the site contains some information about the Council and its programmes, including the Lottery Sports Fund. New information will be added on a regular basis, including updating the Lottery Sports Fund statistics monthly. There are also plans to provide details on publications available from the ESC. If you have any comments or questions please email the feedback form on the site. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS SITE International Congress "WHICH PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR WHICH SCHOOL?" PANSTADIA ONLINE Panstadia the international quarterly journal for the sports facility industry now has a WWW address. Through this it is possible to view selected articles, to email for articles and to provide feedback. The address is: http://www.piqr.com Newspaper Clipping activities of the Sport (SA) Information Centre in Pretoria, South Africa. Some ten years ago I undertook a study tour to Sport Information Centres in Europe with the view to acquire as much information as possible in order to start a similar institution in South Africa. When I visited the Zentralbibliothek der Sportwissenschaften (Deutsche Sporthochschule) in Cologne in Germany, I was fascinated by the vast collection of newspaper clippings on sport (70,000) arranged in file drawers which occupied the whole length of a wall. On opening the drawers, I discovered that the material in each drawer was arranged according to a specific sport type, e.g. athletics, football, etc. I immediately sensed the great research value of these clippings which normally contain news information of the day - information which one does not find in monographic or journal articles. When submitting my recommendations for the establishment of a sports information centre for South Africa, I listed high on my priority list the running of a newspaper clipping service within the centre, and so such a service was born in 1986 and operates to this day. To date the Centre has some 17 000 clippings which are housed in filing cabinets in the Centre's archive section. What then is the value of a newspaper clipping service and who are the main users? It has been said that the newspaper as a mirror of public feeling and society at large has no equal and therefore, is an indispensable source not only for information needs but also for research purposes. Additionally the newspaper could be considered the "minute book" of daily happenings and events. Newspaper clippings therefore, are vital in serving the needs of not only sport researchers in general but also sports administrators of national sports bodies who are expected to reach to comment and statements expressed in newspaper columns. At the present time the Sports (SA) Information Centre renders a specific soccer clipping service to the S.A. Soccer Association. Other users are students of tertiary sports study institutions who regularly utilize the service for assignments on the Olympic Games, issues on sports development, results of major sports competitions, etc. How to operate your own newspaper clipping service. In order to get a sound cross section of all the sporting happenings in a particular country, it is to be suggested that a centre subscribes to four or five of the country;s major newspapers. A sound management procedure would be to assign a staff member to be responsible for the organisation and control of this task. The duties would encompass to select, cut out, paste, record and then classify the clippings. In recording provision must be made for the following details: number The details should then be stored and can be electronically retrieved by allocating specific key words (descriptors) to the document. Below is an example of an article selected for pasting and recording on a newspaper clipping sheet. EXAMPLE OF CLIPPING SERVICE: S.A. SPORTS INFORMATION CENTRE "I will be going to France as a part-time coach and am happy that the matter of my financial package was settled amicably," Barker said. Chief executive Danny Jordaan said Safa were pleased with the outcome of the meeting and that the package they offered Barker was incentive-based. Barker agreed to the 12-month contract, beginning on October, 1 worth R600 000 at a monthly salary of R50 000. He is currently earning R40 000 a month. KEY WORDS: * Other IASI Members may wish to submit articles on how they manage press clippings. THE ELECTED MEMBERS OF THE IASI EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 1997-2001 ARE:
Gilles Chiasson President of the SIRC (Sport Information Resource Centre and IASI Executive Committee Member has written a paper in the journal Quest Vol 49 (3) August 1997 p322-326. The paper should be of interest to IASI members in that it describes the SPORTDiscus data base and explores the potential for the improvement in dissemination of research data through such mechanisms as full-text data bases and Internet access. This issue of Quest is devoted to Technology and Kinesiology and has a number of other articles which may be of interest to members. These articles will all be indexed in SPORTDiscus. Robin White IASI member from the New Zealand Hillary Commission has provided the following update on sport information from New Zealand. TECHNOLOGY Website It includes:
LNet Sport Facts is a new series of fact sheets which give detailed information about the latest sports participation survey in NZ. Moving Through Sport: From Junior to Adult is New Zealand's junior sport policy. The document sets out the principles that the policy is based on and provides guidelines for implementing them. Moving a NationThe Hillary Commission's new strategic plan is hot off the press. Sets out current sports issues and identifies four key areas for development. These publications are available by emailing CAMPAIGNS We are currently coordinating a coach recruitment campaign, "Coaches Count". There is an 0800 number, referrals to regional or national sports associations, and resources for new or practising coaches. KiwiWalks, a venture to promote local authority walkways, paths, tracks and is about to be launched. Part of our More People, More Active, MoreOften campaign.
The Secretary of IASI has advised that the dates for the 1998 IASI Meeting will be from 31 March to 5 April 1998 at the Hong Kong Sports Institute as proposed at the 1997 IASI meeting in Paris. The timetable for the meeting is: 1 April 1998 2 April 1998 3 April 1998 4 April 1998 5 April 1998 IASI is looking forward to meeting in Asia again and making contact with new and prospective members. More detail will be provided to members in the near future through the Secretary. Mr Mosese Latu has been appointed as the Library Assistant to assist Mr Albert Miller in the establishment of the Oceania Sport Information Centre in Fiji. Already Mr Miller and Mr Latu are providing services to the Region and the number of requests for information they are receiving is increasing each week. Advertisements can be placed in the IASI Newsletter at a cost of: Contact the Editor of the Newsletter if you wish to place an advertisement.
Copyright 1997-2002 International Association for Sports Information Design and hosting support services are provided by SIRC (http://www.sirc.ca) Website content updates: Gretchen Ghent, Website technical problems: Susan Duncan, |