No 6, September 1996
Table of Contents
IASI is a non-profit making organisation whose aim is to stimulate, support and develop activities in the field of international documentation and information for physical education and sport. It brings together a world-wide network of scientists, documentalists, librarians, information experts and managers of sports information and documentation centres.
For contributions to the IASI Newsletter which are always welcome contact:
- Nerida Clarke Director Information Services
- Australian Sports Commission
- PO Box 176 Belconnen ACT 2616 Australia
- (email:
- Fax (+61) 062521681.
For information about IASI contact:
- The IASI Secretariat c/o Sport for All
- Clearinghouse, Espace 27 Septembre
- Boulevard Leopold -II, no.44
- B - 1080 Brussels
- Belgium
- Telephone (+32) 2 413 2893
- Fax (+32) 2 413 2890.
After the cancellation of the May 1996 IASI Annual Meeting the Presidium has decided after consultation with the Executive Committee to reschedule the annual meeting for 1-6 September 1996. The Wingate Institute after putting so much effort into the planning of the May meeting has kindly offered to host the September meeting.
The programme and agenda for the meeting will be similar to that proposed for the May meeting.
The 1996 International Pre-Olympic Scientific Congress was held in Dallas USA from 10-14 July. The Congress was organised for the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE) by the Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research and was attended by over 800 delegates. As IASI is affiliated with ICSSPE IASI had a strong presence at the Congress. Mr Albert Remans IASI Secretary /Treasurer attended the ICSSPE Board Meeting prior to the Congress, Mrs Nerida Clarke presented a Keynote paper entitled from 'Cinder Track to Cyberspace: developments in Information Technology and Sport' (Copies of which are available from the IASI Secretary in Brussels) and IASI held a seminar entitled Sport Information Towards 2000 which included 4 presentations one from Albert Remans on the history and role of IASI, one by Linda Wheeler on the Sport/IASI data base, one by Jose Antonio Aquesola Vegas on Sportcom and one by Nerida Clarke on sport information and the Internet.
Most importantly IASI also had a display stand in the main foyer of the Congress which was manned by Linda Wheeler for the full time of the Congress. This display stand included publicity on IASI and also had the facility to demonstrate the SPORT/IASI data base which was of great interest to many delegates.
The Congress presented an excellent opportunity for the work of IASI to be known and for IASI members to make contact with key groups with an interest in sport information particularly as users of that information.
Prior to the ICCSPE Dallas Congress IASI printed a new brochure which is colourful and publicises the major activities of the organisation. The brochure also includes a membership application form.
The Secretary of IASI has copies of the brochure for distribution.
The Islamic Republic of Iran National Olympic Committee has established a library which includes more than 10,000 titles of printed and non-printed materials in Farsi, English and French. The Centre acts as an advisor and reliable source of information to an increasing number of clients interested in sport.
The Library has 2300 Farsi books, 1000 articles, 100 reports and documents (in Farsi and other languages), 200 titles of catalogues, commercial texts and pamphlets, 350 audio-visual materials and 164 Farsi and non Farsi journals. The main subject areas of the collection are the Olympic Games, Olympism, Sports Sciences, Women in Sport, Physical Education and sports disciplines.
The main users of the Library are researchers, physical education and sport students, sports experts, teachers, press, radio and TV agents and sports organisations.
Information supplied from data bases includes information on the Olympic Games and Olympism, results and statistics of the Olympic Games, biographies of national athletes, results and statistics of national and international competitions and the history, technical facts, regulations and rules of the games. Details of sports sciences and sports workshops and seminars.
Staff of the Library undertake data collection, indexing of journal articles, abstracting of Farsi and non Farsi books and documents, regular updating and maintenance of data base organisation and indexing of data onto data bases. Specific services offered include directory and referral services, text and source searching, indexing and abstracting, SDI preparation and document copying services. The Library is organised using the Library of Congress Classification with CD-ISIS as the main software.
In the future the Library intends to create a complete database of Iran at the Olympics which will include the history of Iranian athletes who have participated in Olympic Games and this information will be available on disc format to interested people.
The address of the Library of the National Olympic Committee of the Islamic Republic of Iran is: no.44 12th Alley, Gandi Street, PO Box 15815/1598 Tehran Islamic Republic of Iran. Fax: 8882857
Greg Blood formerly of the Australian National Sport Information Centre has taken up a position as Research Librarian at the Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games. It is great to have Greg back in sport information after a brief stint in the horticulture industry.
Greg can be contacted on the following email address:
An Internet mail address is now available for Mr Laurie Templehoff in South Africa. This address is
Journal of Applied Training Science
In 1994 the Institute for Applied Training Science in Leipzig Germany started to publish a bi-annual scientific journal The Journal of Applied Training. The journal contains research findings in applied elite training science. The content is made up of articles dealing with training methodology, sports medicine, biomechanics, sports science and computer applications in elite sports.
For more information on the journal contact:
- Mr Hartmut Sandner
- Head of the Department of Documentation Sport
- Institut fur Angewandte Trainingwissenschaft e V
- Marschnerstrabe 29
- D-04109 Leipzig Germany
- Fax: +0341 4945 400
- Phone: +0341 4945 133
SIRC advises that the latest issue of SPORT Discus is 1975-June 1996. The updated data base contains an updated version of the French data base Heracles.
Complete Information on the SPORT Database / Discus and other SIRC products are available from the Sport Information Resource Centre, 1600 James Naismith Dr., Gloucester ON, Canada K1B 5N4; Fax: (613)748-5701; E-mail: . SIRC also has substantial information on its World Wide Web site: http://www.sirc.ca.
The Italian Sport Documentation Centre of the Scuola dello Sport has not physically moved but the name of the street on which it is located has changed. The street name has been changed to that of Giulio Onesti who created the Italian Olympic Committee (CONI) and who was President of CONI from 1946-1977 and who was an IOC member from 1963 to 1981.
The Mayor of Rome, Francesco Rutelli dedicated the street in the presence of the President of the IOC and the President of CONI Mr Mario Pescante.
The address for Maurizio Bruni and Claudia Galletti is:
- CONI Scuola dello Sport
- Centro di Documentazione Sportiva
- Largo Giulio Onesti 1
- 00197 Roma
- Italy
The General Assembly of International Sports Federations (GAISF) is about to put up an Internet site which will contain details of all International Federations and will contain the GAISF Calendar of events.
An article in the journal SporTime V1 (6) 1996 p. 14-15 entitled Tangling the Web describes the GAISF site and other sports sites on the Internet. At this stage there is no address for the GAISF site.
The Olympic Games and Paralympics Internet sites have been very useful in order to gain up to date results.
In Australia the Australian Sports Commission WWW site received 50,000 visits in one week during the Olympics. The Commission used the site to chart the progress of all Australian athletes at the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Atlanta.
SIRC has introduced two innovative services on the Internet. SportQuest is a service which indexes sport related sites on the Internet and aims to guide users to good sites on Specific Sports, Statistics and Results, Sports Medicine, Coaching , Sports Science and Physical Education. This service should save users of the Internet a great deal of time in reaching good quality Internet sites. The address for SPORTQuest is: www.SPORTQuest.com.
The other service being offered by SIRC is entitled SIRCExpress which is a document delivery service providing full text of articles included in the online and CD-ROM versions of SPORT Discus. This service is one of the many online document delivery services that are starting to emerge with increasing use of the Internet. The address for the SIRCExpress service is: http://www.sircexpress.com.
Both of these services can be accessed through the SIRC home page.
In June 1996 the Secretary of IASI distributed a questionnaire to all members requesting views on the future direction of IASI. This questionnaire was also distributed on the IASI Listserv via Internet and the date for response was 1 August 1996. To date only 10 responses to the questionnaire have been received. Members are reminded that this questionnaire will form the basis of a paper to be presented to the next IASI General Assembly to set out the next 4 year working plan of IASI.
Please respond to the questionnaire as soon as possible. Contact the IASI Secretariat if you require additional copies of the questionnaire.
IASI has published a new edition of this Directory which now lists over 100 organisations in all continents who provide sport information resources and services. The Directory has been completely updated and now contains a full index. Copies of the Directory will be distributed free of charge to all organisations who provided an entry for the Directory other organisation s and individuals will be required to pay US$25.00 for the Directory.
In the near future the complete Directory will be available on the IASI Home Page on the Internet.
Orders for the Directory should be sent to Sport Information Resource Centre 1600 James Naismith Drive, Gloucester Ontario Canada K1B 5N4.
Members are reminded that the date for submissions of Abstracts for the 10th Scientific Congress of IASI to be held in Paris from 10-12 June 1997 is 30 September 1996.
Abstracts of no more than 250 words in line with the themes of the Congress should be forwarded to the XTH Scientific Congress of IASI, Scientific Committee Secretariat 11 Avenue du Tremblay 75012 Paris FRANCE Fax: 33 1 48081960
Advertisements can be placed in the IASI Newsletter at a cost of US$50.00 for a full A4 page or US$25.00 for half an A4 page. Contact the Editor of the Newsletter if you wish to place an advertisement.
Please send your questions and comments about this site to: IASI home page
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