2001 - 11th, Lausanne These proceedings are available in fulltext as a pdf file on this website. Click to view them: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Print copies are also available as follows:
Sports Information in the Third Millenium: Proceedings of the 11th IASI World Congress, Lausanne, 25th - 27th April 2001. Lausanne, Olympic Museum and Studies Centre, 2001. 526 p. ISBN 929190733
- Copies Available from:
- Nuria Puig, Head, External Relations, (email: )
- Olympic Studies Center
- Olympic Museum
- Quai d'Ouchy 1
- 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland
- Fax: +41 21 621 65 12
The individual papers from this IASI Congress are also indexed in the SPORTDiscus. To find all the papers, use the search phrase: 11th IASI World in the SO field.
Sports Archives Workshop Papers, Lausaunne, April 24, 2001
These papers are available in pdf format. Click on Papers.
1997 - 10th, Paris
Actes=Papers of the Scientific Congress of the International Association for Sport Information. Paris, INSEP Publications, 1997
Information about the 42 papers delivered at this Congress can be found in the SPORTDiscus.
Print copies of this congress are still available.
Request copies from:
Mr. Alain Poncet,Chef du Service d'Information et de Documentation
Institut National du Sport et de l'Education Physique, (INSEP)
Avenue du Tremblay 11
75012 Paris, France
Tel: +33 1 41 74 41 19
Fax: +33 1 48 08 19 60
The individual papers from this IASI Congress are also indexed in the SPORTDiscus. To find all the papers, use the search phrase: 10th scientific congress in SO field.
1993 - 9th, Rome
Sports Information in the Nineties, 9th Scientific Congress of the International Association for Sports Information. Rome, Scuola dell Sport, 1993.
The unpublished papers from this congress are indexed in SPORTDiscus and available from SIRC's SPORTExpress service. To find all 55 papers and two abstract volumes, use the search phrase: 9th 1993 Rome in cn (the field tag for conferences).
1985 - 8th Dresden
Bericht: VIII Internationaler Kongress fuer Sportinformation 15-18.10.1985, Dresden - DDR. Berlin: Wissenschaftlicher Rat beim Staassekretariat fuer Koerperkultur und Sport, 1986, 161 p.
Available at SIRC, Completely analysed in SPORTDiscus and available via SPORTExpress service (9 papers in English; 16 in German)
1981 - 7th Snagov
The Proceedings were not published
1977 - 6th Duisburg
Sportinformation in Theorie und Praxis: VI. Internationaler Kongress fur Sportinformation, 31 Mai bis 4. Juni 1977 in Duisburg / von der International Association for Sports Information (IASI). Bundesinstitut fuer Sportwissenschaft: redaktion, Werner. Kloock. Schorndorf: Verlag Karl Hofmann, 1978. (Schriftenreihe des Bundesinstituts fuer Sportwissenschaft, Bd. 21) 338 p.
(Available in selected libraries, e.g. University of Illinois, BiSP)
1975 - 5th Graz
Kreative Sportinformatik: der International Jubilaeums-Kongress 1975 in Graz, ed by Recla, Josef and Timmer, Rob. Schorndorf: Verlag Karl Hofmann, 1976. (Schriftenreihe des Bundesinstituts fuer Sportwissenschaft, Bd. 10) 151p. ISBN 3778038710
(Available in selected libraries, e.g. McMaster University, University of Oregon, International Budo University, BiSP)